Dear Atlas development team,


I am a SW engineer working at Inspur China. Now I am using Atlas for data
government. But I hava some questions, may I ask you about that?


1. The Atlas Hdfs Hook is in development phase, I can see the feature on
your website.

 So could you tell me when will it be published?


2. The atlas nifi hook can be found in community, but it has many bugs. I
modified them, and it worked well.

  Could I put the codes to the github?


The Atlas is a very useful program for data government, it helps my company
so much.

Thanks a lot! 



Best regards,

Junheng Cui



Software Development Engineer of R&D Center of INSPUR SOFTWARE Co., Ltd

Address:1036 Langchao Road, Jinan, Shandong Province, China 


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