Building Atlas will now verify
 * Maven version. If this is < 3.5.0 the build will fail. (Jenkins builds are 
using 3.5.2)
 * Java version. If this is < 1.8.0_151 the build will fail. If it's 9 or 
greater, a warning will be given but the build will continue (jenkins is using 

This is done through the maven-enforcer plugin & should help with ensuring we 
have a more consistent environment when building

If using an IDE such as intellij note that the versions used in the IDE 
environment may differ from the command line. 

In IntelliJ on the MAC for example: 
 * Check IntelliJ->Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment->Build Tools->Maven 
points to maven 3.5.0 or above. The built in version is 3.3.9. Updated versions 
can be downloaded directly, or installed using homebrew.
 * Check File->Project Structure->Project->Project SDK is pointing to 1.8 (151) 
or above

Further details can be found in ATLAS-2245 & any questions please ask


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