
Here are the items I verified:
- Build.
- Data Migration: Import from earlier version.
        - Verified basic search.
        - Verified DSL search.
        - Relationships & Lineage.
- Hive hook:
        - New entity creation.
- Lineage and relationships. 
- Glossary.
        - Create.
        - Associate.
        - Search.
- Basic Search.
        - Type, term and text.
- Advanced Search.
- Export via REST APIs.
        - Using new 'forType' option.

~ ashutosh
Ashutosh Mestry
No hurry, no pause. – Tim Ferriss, Life Hacker, Author
    On 5/30/18, 12:31 AM, "Madhan Neethiraj" <mad...@apache.org> wrote:
    >Atlas team,
    >Apache Atlas 1.0.0 release candidate #2 is now available for a vote
    >within dev community.
    >Following commit went into branch-1.0 since the last release candidate,
    >#1, was sent yesterday.
    >  ATLAS-2726: updated migration-import to add __name property to
    >classification edges
    >Links to the release artifacts are given below. Please review and vote.
    >The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary votes are
    >  [ ] +1 approve
    >  [ ] +0 no opinion
    >  [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
    >List of issues addressed in this release:
    >Git tag for the release:
    >Sources for the release:
    >Documentation for the release:
    >Source release verification:
    >  PGP Signature: 
    >  SHA512 Hash: 
    >Keys to verify the signature of the release artifacts are available at:

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