Hi, my team is currently running into an issue with our Atlas instance (v1.0.0) 
where the number of guids used for the bulk entity GET request affects the 
success/failure of the request.

Submitting a GET request to 
https://atlas-host/api/atlas/v2/entity/bulk/?guid=... for 174 guids succeeds, 
but 175 guids does not succeed (Atlas returns status code 400 Bad Request), and 
adding a useless query parameter which lengthens the URL also causes Atlas to 
fail (174 guids + 1 garbage parameter). This makes us think the problem is not 
due to a limit in the number of GUIDs that can be handled, but an issue with 
the URL being too long. Previously, Atlas would return a 414 Request URI is Too 
Long status if the url went beyond the server limits.

Our current workaround is too batch the API requests with a number of guids 
that doesn’t fail. If this is expected behavior, we can live with the 
workaround but we want to check that there isn’t a configuration piece or bug 
that is causing the failure.

Cade Parker
Civitas Leanring Inc.

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