Atlas team,

Please review the draft board report below and send your feedback/comments.


## Description:
Apache Atlas is a scalable and extensible set of core foundational governance
services that enables enterprises to effectively and efficiently meet their
compliance requirements within Hadoop and allows integration with the complete
enterprise data ecosystem.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Membership Data:
Apache Atlas was founded 2017-06-20 (3 years ago)
There are currently 42 committers and 32 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 4:3.

Community changes, past quarter:
 - No new PMC members. Last addition was Ashutosh Mestry on 2019-04-16.
 - Nikhil P Bonte was added as committer on 2020-09-03

## Project Activity:
 - Atlas community released 2.1.0, more than a year in making, with a number
   of new features, enhancements and fixes, like:
  - quick search, with type-ahead suggestions
  - business Metadata to enable augmenting entity-types with additional
    attributes, search entities using these attributes
  - ability to add labels on entities, and search entities using labels
  - ability to add entity instance specific custom attributes i.e. attributes
    not defined in entity-def or business metadata
  - REST APIs to purge deleted entities
  - ability to find entities by more than one classification
  - support to process notifications from multiple Kafka topics
  - model updates to capture Spark, AWS S3, ADLS-Gen2 entities
  - performance, UI improvements
 - the community is working on enhancements and fixes for next release
  - audit enhancements to track entity-type create/update/data
  - authorization enhancements to support type-read permission
  - support for date-range in search filters
  - working on adding Java and Python APIs

## Community Health:
 - had a 28% decrease in traffic in the past quarter
   (1254 emails compared to 1734)
 - had a 50% increase in traffic in the past quarter (30
   emails compared to 20)
 - 96 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (-46% decrease)
 - 60 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (-81% decrease)
 - 123 commits in the past quarter (-58% decrease)
 - 18 code contributors in the past quarter (-21% decrease)
 - 7 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (-22% decrease)
 - 4 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (-55% decrease)

## Releases:
  2.1.0            was released on 07/16/2020
  0.8.4            was released on 06/21/2019
  1.2.0            was released on 06/12/2019
  2.0.0            was released on 05/14/2019
  0.8.3            was released on 10/31/2018
  1.1.0            was released on 09/17/2018
  1.0.0            was released on 06/02/2018
  0.8.2            was released on 02/05/2018
  1.0.0-alpha      was released on 01/25/2018
  0.8.1            was released on 08/29/2017
  0.8-incubating   was released on 03/16/2017
  0.7.1-incubating was released on 01/26/2017
  0.7-incubating   was released on 07/09/2016
  0.6-incubating   was released on 12/31/2015
  0.5-incubating   was released on 07/11/2015

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