Hi Madhan,

I think this is the problem:

This is referring to JSONObject from org.json package.


On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 1:01 PM, Madhan Neethiraj <mad...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hemanth, David,
> Atlas uses JOSN libraries from org.json4s, while the licensing issue seems to 
> be about the code/libraries from ‘https://github.com/stleary/JSON-java’. Are 
> both referring to the same?
> Thanks,
> Madhan
> On 11/25/16, 2:00 AM, "David Radley" <david_rad...@uk.ibm.com> wrote:
>     Hi ,
>     It does seem like we should move away from using this json library. Of the
>     options, I suggest we use Jackson,
>            all the best,  David.
>     From:   Hemanth Yamijala <yhema...@gmail.com>
>     To:     dev@atlas.incubator.apache.org
>     Date:   25/11/2016 09:13
>     Subject:        Fwd: JSON License and Apache Projects
>     Atlas-dev,
>     Is this something to worry about? I see references to
>     o.json.JSONObject in HiveHook. And we seem to be pulling it in via
>     Hive dependencies.
>     Thanks
>     hemanth
>     ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>     From: Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com>
>     Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 6:40 AM
>     Subject: Fwd: JSON License and Apache Projects
>     To: "gene...@incubator.apache.org" <gene...@incubator.apache.org>
>     The VP Legal for Apache has determined that the JSON processing library
>     from json.org <https://github.com/stleary/JSON-java> is not usable as a
>     dependency by Apache projects. This is because the license includes a line
>     that places a field of use condition on downstream users in a way that is
>     not compatible with Apache's license.
>     This decision is, unfortunately, a change from the previous situation.
>     While the current decision is correct, it would have been nice if we had
>     had this decision originally.
>     As such, some existing projects may be impacted because they assumed that
>     the json.org dependency was OK to use.
>     Incubator projects that are currently using the json.org library have
>     several courses of action:
>     1) just drop it. Some projects like Storm have demos that use twitter4j
>     which incorporates the problematic code. These demos aren't core and could
>     just be dropped for a time.
>     2) help dependencies move away from problem code. I have sent a pull
>     request to twitter4 <https://github.com/yusuke/twitter4j/pull/254>j, for
>     example, that eliminates the problem. If they accept the pull, then all
>     would be good for the projects that use twitter4j (and thus json.org)
>     3) replace the json.org artifact with a compatible one that is open
>     source.
>     I have created and published an artifact based on clean-room Android code
>     <https://github.com/tdunning/open-json> that replicates the most important
>     parts of the json.org code. This code is compatible, but lacks some
>     coverage. It also could lead to jar hell if used unjudiciously because it
>     uses the org.json package. Shading and exclusion in a pom might help. Or
>     not. Go with caution here.
>     4) switch to safer alternatives such as Jackson. This requires code
>     changes, but is probably a good thing to do. This option is the one that
>     is
>     best in the long-term but is also the most expensive.
>     ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>     From: Jim Jagielski <j...@apache.org>
>     Date: Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 6:10 AM
>     Subject: JSON License and Apache Projects
>     To: ASF Board <bo...@apache.org>
>     (forwarded from legal-discuss@)
>     As some of you may know, recently the JSON License has been
>     moved to Category X (https://www.apache.org/legal/resolved#category-x).
>     I understand that this has impacted some projects, especially
>     those in the midst of doing a release. I also understand that
>     up until now, really, there has been no real "outcry" over our
>     usage of it, especially from end-users and other consumers of
>     our projects which use it.
>     As compelling as that is, the fact is that the JSON license
>     itself is not OSI approved and is therefore not, by definition,
>     an "Open Source license" and, as such, cannot be considered as
>     one which is acceptable as related to categories.
>     Therefore, w/ my VP Legal hat on, I am making the following
>     statements:
>      o No new project, sub-project or codebase, which has not
>        used JSON licensed jars (or similar), are allowed to use
>        them. In other words, if you haven't been using them, you
>        aren't allowed to start. It is Cat-X.
>      o If you have been using it, and have done so in a *release*,
>        AND there has been NO pushback from your community/eco-system,
>        you have a temporary exclusion from the Cat-X classification thru
>        April 30, 2017. At that point in time, ANY and ALL usage
>        of these JSON licensed artifacts are DISALLOWED. You must
>        either find a suitably licensed replacement, or do without.
>        There will be NO exceptions.
>      o Any situation not covered by the above is an implicit
>        DISALLOWAL of usage.
>     Also please note that in the 2nd situation (where a temporary
>     exclusion has been granted), you MUST ensure that NOTICE explicitly
>     notifies the end-user that a JSON licensed artifact exists. They
>     may not be aware of it up to now, and that MUST be addressed.
>     If there are any questions, please ask on the legal-discuss@a.o
>     list.
>     --
>     Jim Jagielski
>     VP Legal Affairs
>     Unless stated otherwise above:
>     IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number
>     741598.
>     Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU

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