This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/AtlasTypeSystem.java (line 115)

    I think the methods referring to any graph element shouldn't be here as 
this is an abstraction for the typesystem.

catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/DefaultTypeSystem.java (line 61)

    Looks like your system is using tabs, can you revert to spaces for better 
code alignment.

catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/DefaultTypeSystem.java (line 99)

    No concatenations in the info string, please use template/variable 
placeholder "{}"

catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/DefaultTypeSystem.java (line 114)

    Same here.

 (line 58)

    Template instead of string concatenation.

- Apoorv Naik

On Dec. 7, 2016, 2:42 p.m., David Radley wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/54430/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Dec. 7, 2016, 2:42 p.m.)
> Review request for atlas, DaveEL DaveEL, Shwetha GS, and Hemanth Yamijala.
> Repository: atlas
> Description
> -------
> I am looking to make this a small minimum viable contribution evolutionary 
> change rather than a revolutionary change and have raised follow on 
> enhancements in Jiras listed below. I do not see the need for a new version 
> of API with these changes as the APIs are either new or introduce optional 
> parameters to existing requests and add extra fields in responses. All of 
> this should be tolerated by existing apps. For example the Atlas UI still 
> works as before .
> 1) I have adding a glossary category to a taxonomy. It creates an edge in the 
> graph between the taxonomy (an entity) and the glossary category (an entity)
> 2) I can do basic updates and gets for the category (change the description 
> and rename). 
> 3) I can add child categories to categories. The children properties are 
> derived from the edges in the graph, via projections and relationships 
> 4) You may wonder why the category is an entity not a type or a trait or a 
> trait instance. It seems that only entities have unique uuids called guids. I 
> have raised Jira 1245 to get more of these important objects having a guid - 
> but in the meantime categories are entities
> 5)  I can add terms (and subterms) to categories - terms are traits and trait 
> instances. So to go with the code I have amended addtrait to create a new 
> edge if a parent category has been specified. 
> 6) I can update the parent category to another category (as long it is in the 
> same taxonomy, not replacing the top category or trying to add to my children 
> or to myself). 
> 7) I was thinking of adds and updates not allowed if the name clashes with 
> one of the categories parents children.(I will upper case the strings for the 
> compare). there is a case to not have this check and allow duplicate named 
> child categories - which could have a different description or different 
> categories & terms attached. It will work without this restriction; which I 
> have not coded - maybe this could be on optional constraint held in Ranger.
> 8) Part of this change exposes the guid for the taxonomy on the API. 
> 9) For deletes, I will delete a category. The delete will fail if the 
> category has children categories or terms. The delete is a soft delete for 
> the vertex.
> 10) I could expose soft deletes, either using the existing isDeleted flag or 
> introduce a non editable end date which I would need to check. This would 
> leave an audit trail in the graph. But we would need a hard delete as well . 
> I am not sure the performance implications of a proliferation of old vertices 
> in the graph (I would hard delete edges). So for the moment I am leaning 
> towards adding hard deletes.
> 11) At the moment I have just added to the existing V1 taxonomy API, as I 
> have only added optional fields to existing objects and returned more 
> information, so the APIs are not being changed in an incompatible way.    
> 12) I notice that transactions are committed operation by operation - there 
> is no top level transaction commit and rollback. So if an error occurs - we 
> could be left with updates occurring to some resources and the graph becoming 
> inconsistent. I am not sure how we need to work with Titan's eventually 
> consistent characteristic.   I have raised this as a separate issue in Jira 
> 1252. 
> 13) Delete taxonomy gets rid of the taxonomies glossary categories 
> 14) Delete  term gets rid of the edge to any parent category and any subterms 
> (and any subterm edges to categories)
> 15) Delete subterm gets rid of the edge to any parent category
> 16) Update terms to change the parent category
> 17) Allow Rest call to unknit a term from a category   DELETE   
> <<CATEGORY-ID>/terms/<<termname>> 
> 18) Throw exception when glossary category being called from the entity API
> An example of what a category get call looks like now in the middle of the 
> hierarchy with a term is : 
> curl --user admin:admin 
> [
>     {
>         "href": 
> "";,
>         "name": "FooChild2",
>         "id": "8e716b12-ed4c-440e-a7aa-50a6d795526e",
>         "description": "xyz",
>         "creation_time": "2016-10-28:14:21:15",
>         "parentcategoryid": "2d47baf4-947f-451f-be90-a02c756f94ad",
>         "taxonomyname": "Catalog",
>         "children": [
>             {
>                 "href": 
> "";,
>                 "name": "FooGrandChild"
>             }
>         ],
>         "parent": {
>             "href": 
> "";,
>             "name": "FooTop"
>         },
>         "terms": [
>             {
>                 "href": 
> "";,
>                 "name": "Catalog.FooTerm1"
>             }
>         ]
>     }
> ]
> Some other example calls : 
> create top  category
> curl --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
> '{"description":"xyz","parentcategoryid":""}' 
> Create a child cateogry
> curl --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
> '{"description":"xyz","parentcategoryid":"f8918dbb-4378-4700-bf01-72ecde323344"}'
> get a category
> curl --user admin:admin 
> create a term under a category
> curl --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
> '{"description":"xyz","parentcategoryid":"f73b44c7-9a05-4651-9ad5-44247b49bcaa"}'
> update category parent
> curl --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d 
> '{"parentcategoryid":"4115527f-da0e-4c73-834c-878e2b39022d"}' 
> update/add terms category parent
> curl --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d 
> '{"description":"xyz","parentcategoryid":"d0287505-96dd-46eb-9dac-bf744b0ed3de"}'
> Disconnect a term Term11 from it's parent category
> curl --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE  
> delete category
> curl --user admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE 
> Notes on the structure and code: 
> I use 'terms' because taxonomy does already
> I have used Glossary Category so that we have the flexibility to add other 
> types of category later.
> I have implemented Glossary Category in the style of taxonomy,  I think we 
> should aspire to bring the glossary objects more fully into the type system. 
> I decided not to do this in this Jira as I think we need to enhance terms 
> first (so they can have relationships , have a relationships and guids). I 
> have raised Jira ATLAS-1344 to track this.   
> I have decided that children categories will show when the parent is queried 
> (rather than having a single href which you would then query to see the 
> children - I think this will be more useful for the usual use cases).  
> I use parent in terms to point to categories and categories to point to 
> categories or taxonomy. I can then use the same logic to traverse this tree.  
> I expose parentcategoryid which ends up on the vertex so can be indexed
> I expose the name and href for parents and children as the href is required 
> for the rest calls and the name is mostly what we will be interested in 
> first. 
> The children and parents and terms are represented by edges in the graph and 
> are calculated from the graph
> I have introduced some constants - as I kept misspelling strings. I realise 
> this is not consistent with the existing code -but I found it so helpful that 
> I left them in the code.  
> Currently the edges between categories are hard deleted - I have raised a 
> Jira to soft delete them. 
> Raised Jiras
> ATLAS-1326 for recursive delete (all deletion of categories with children) 
> ATLAS-1327 for fully qualified name (need to work out how to run Gremlin 
> incantation to produce this).  
> ATLAS-1245 for terms to implemented as entity (or at least trait with an 
> guid)  
> ATLAS-1328 to add related categories and terms 
> ATLAS-1329 to soft delete edges
> ATLAS-1251 UI 
> aised Jira to address Taxonomy has hard baked V1 in the ResourceDefinition - 
> which is picked up by the REST calls in hrefs   
> ATLAS-1330 to add AtlasClient Glossary support. There is currently no support 
> for terms or taxonomy so I have not added glossary category  
> ATLAS-1331  investigate query expression enhancements for Glossary 
> ATLAS-1332 to document the new Glossary Category API
> ATLAS-1344 allow types to be created that support parent child hierarchies.
> Diffs
> -----
>   catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/AtlasTypeSystem.java 
> 8f9cd1d34633b1219d01f74f7e825a3716d46bbd 
>   catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/DefaultTypeSystem.java 
> f111eb61156786bb1a4f93b7753cb14f51b85f72 
>   catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/EntityResourceProvider.java 
> cee102af91af173f2110fb0d355bbcc4fef96cbf 
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/EntityTagResourceProvider.java 
> c2a843b5b41110b0b309829ab255ca6f93b65721 
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/GlossaryCategoryResourceProvider.java
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/GlossaryCategoryVertexWrapper.java
>   catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/ResourceProvider.java 
> a63309ef305f826a6aae313c655c01d654023d3d 
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/TaxonomyResourceProvider.java 
> b59dcae0c40fdbfcdb3a87efc7dcc222cbc095f7 
>   catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/TermResourceProvider.java 
> 3202d040d539a29e3b4acce59f0d108ef6cd4e05 
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/definition/GlossaryCategoryResourceDefinition.java
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/definition/GlossaryResourceDefinition.java
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/definition/TaxonomyResourceDefinition.java
>  47d182cc6dd1fb50a39dbadcb023774c2271b808 
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/definition/TermResourceDefinition.java
>  51ef65a5145112127cf6a9ae2d7c6b5a9b59dfe2 
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/projection/CategoryChildrenRelation.java
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/projection/CategoryParentRelation.java
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/projection/TermCategoryParentRelation.java
> catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/query/AtlasGlossaryCategoryQuery.java
>   catalog/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/query/QueryFactory.java 
> a301912e2e1a0fbf3f5c5bfacc03d65f2390bbd7 
> catalog/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/GlossaryCategoryResourceProviderTest.java
> catalog/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/TaxonomyResourceProviderTest.java
>  8dfce5e952c6cfc627fd53bf3bf34e115a460f16 
> catalog/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/TermResourceProviderTest.java 
> 7d61579dc2a1aa542ea2c9c98ed55362b8e80cd8 
> catalog/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/definition/GlossaryCategoryResourceDefintionTest.java
> catalog/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/definition/TaxonomyResourceDefinitionTest.java
>  1af8d14982ef404ff7650fb59b9206a1d273d869 
> catalog/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/catalog/definition/TermResourceDefinitionTest.java
>  b7b23da2b329c65682444ccad3c8680a92a18d20 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/MetadataRepository.java 
> a2a9ab6dafcefaa29110051c35d3b6762017a28f 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/DeleteHandler.java 
> ae1ec45a521660648028add0d63f0f6cadb4a495 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/GraphBackedMetadataRepository.java
>  1a3faf778f01582e476792780a9dbaa8a4010d29 
>   repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/GraphHelper.java 
> cdeb117d1f0e9310902c72a2b5217985def9967b 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/repository/graph/TypedInstanceToGraphMapper.java
>  78e276e5972f6bba68198b3ae5a3d88676cf7585 
> repository/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/services/DefaultMetadataService.java
>  d2793d2ce2792ee65ea84ee49afd4b3709942378 
>   server-api/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/services/MetadataService.java 
> e6531848ea5a52d1184e1afd144d089d57edbda8 
>   typesystem/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/typesystem/types/TypeSystem.java 
> d73a7b32add5d9e4eb24afefed042cf894964992 
>   webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/web/resources/BaseService.java 
> dfd29b144d6176bb58ef4a433fa49aa1919946bb 
>   webapp/src/main/java/org/apache/atlas/web/resources/TaxonomyService.java 
> cc98207caf7618d05d2a13103071ce96b1d9fbb4 
> webapp/src/test/java/org/apache/atlas/web/resources/TaxonomyServiceTest.java 
> 3f20453f2d2844a39b10ac5a31d883e671907d64 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/54430/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Test plan using curl commands
> 1) create top category (parentcategoryid = ""). Try to create it again and 
> get an error. 
> 2) create 3 children categories under top category, named child1, child2, 
> child3
> 3) get taxonomy - see the top glossary category
> 4) use the returned href to query the top glossary category. Check the 
> children and parents look as expected
> 5) create a term term0 with a description
> 6) create a term term1 under child1 with a description 
> 7) create subterm term1.term2 under child3 
> 8) get term0
> 9) get term1
> 10) get child1
> 11) Update glossary category name and description in child1.Then rename it 
> back to child1. 
> 12) Update child1 glossary category parentcategoryid to point to child2
> 13) Update child2 glossary category parentcategoryid to point to child1 - 
> this should fail
> 14) Update term0 to put it under child1. Do a get on the term and glossary 
> category 
> 15) update subterm  term1.term2 to move it under child1
> 16) Unknit term1 from child1. Do a get on the term and glossary category 
> 17) Delete category child2. This should fail as it has child1 as a child.
> 18) Delete category child3. 
> 19) Delete term0
> 20) Delete the taxonomy.      
> 21) I have also tested invalid cases like adding/updating categories from 
> other taxonomies and adding/updating terms from other taxonomies.
> Thanks,
> David Radley

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