
I suspect the tag you searched for is a business term under a taxonomy, and not 
a regular tag. If yes, this behavior can be explained.

It is a by-product of how business terms are implemented today. AFAIK, they are 
implemented as traits. For regular traits (or tags), new instances are created 
whenever they are associated with an entity. However, terms are 'singleton' 
traits, i.e only one instance is created and this is looked up and associated 
with entities whenever the term association happens. The singleton instance is 
attached to the 'Taxonomy' instance by the Business Taxonomy implementation as 
a way of easily looking it up when required for association.

The side effect of this, is that when we search for a business term - because 
it is a tag, the search API gets both objects (the actual association and the 
implicit Taxonomy object association) in the results.

You must not see this behavior for regular tags.

From: Avi Levi <avile...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2016 5:45 PM
To: dev@atlas.incubator.apache.org
Subject: searching for entities with tags by name


According to the documentation, searching for entities that are
associated to tags is done using the search/dsl api:

http://<atlasĀ­serverĀ­host:port>/ api/atlas/
discovery/search/dsl?query= %60tag-name%60

in the documentation the response contains one instance in the
results, but when I execute the api call, I get two instances in the
results, one of them
is the actual entity that I've tagged, and the other one is an object
of type Taxonomy.

can anyone explain this behavior ?


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