
I would also like to contribute and be a committer. Although I haven’t 
contributed anything for Aurora yet, I’ve been a user Aurora and Mesos since 
2014. I’ve contributed to Jenkins Mesos plug-in and I’m one of the committers 
on that project. Willing to dedicate time to keep the project alive. 


> On Jun 20, 2019, at 4:56 PM, Renan DelValle <re...@apache.org> wrote:
> I'm still willing to dedicate time to the project. Since this announcement
> was made I've heard from a few users offline. Looks like none of us really
> want to see this project end up in the Apache Attic.
> Folks who want to contribute: would any of you feel comfortable stepping up
> and becoming committers? Right now I think that's our biggest hurdle. We
> need votes to get releases out and code reviews to get patches in.
> -Renan
> On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 1:19 PM Mauricio Garavaglia <
> mauriciogaravag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I'm not working with Aurora anymore, but I have experience in the code base
>> and operating it at scale. I certainly wouldn't want to see it go the
>> attic. I'll be glad to help with the chores.
>>> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 9:17 AM <r...@chartbeat.com> wrote:
>>> We are still strong users of aurora, but have not made any contributions.
>>> Would be happy to help to keep it alive though.
>>>> On Jun 14, 2019, at 10:21 AM, thinker0 <think...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Is there a new challenge?
>>>> 2019년 6월 14일 (금) 오후 11:09, Stephan Erb <m...@stephanerb.eu>님이 작성:
>>>>> Dear Aurora community,
>>>>> the Apache Aurora project has seen a significant slowdown of user and
>>>>> contributor activity over the most recent months. This can partially
>> be
>>>>> attributed to the overall stability and maturity of the project, but
>>> more
>>>>> importantly this is due to other external projects that managed to win
>>> the
>>>>> developer mindshare within the container orchestration field (e.g.,
>>> general
>>>>> purpose cloud providers, Kubernetes, ...).
>>>>> An Apache project requires at least three active PMC members and an
>>> active
>>>>> Chair. We are currently not meeting these requirements.
>>>>> I am are hereby asking the community to step up if you would like the
>>>>> project to remain active. If there is sufficient interest and
>>> volunteers,
>>>>> we can reboot the PMC with new members. If there is not, then the
>> Aurora
>>>>> project will need to be moved to the Apache attic.
>>>>> Greetings and thanks to all current and former Aurora users,
>>> contributors,
>>>>> and PMC members.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Stephan

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