
Can you re-run the command using -X


$ maven avalon:dist -X


Niclas Hedhman wrote:

On Tuesday 11 November 2003 15:09, Stephen McConnell wrote:

Steven Harris wrote:

beta 10

Can someone using a l***x os please confirm/vilidate this the meta
CVS build. I'm running on the ***d*** operating system and everything
is fine. It's clearly a question of how much you pay for the license!

I haven't followed the thread very closely.

cd avalon/meta

maven site

fails on my Linux....
File...... file:/home/niclas/.maven/plugins/maven-xdoc-plugin-1.4-SNAPSHOT/
Element... j:include
Line...... 333
Column.... 54
null:-1:-1: <null> Could not parse Jelly script
Total time: 55 seconds
Finished at: Tue Nov 11 15:43:36 MYT 2003

Anything else?


P.S. Do we need instant messaging?

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Stephen J. McConnell

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