I uploaded a patch for AVRO-1614 and AVRO-1616 (just an update to the

It seems that there is no automatic pickup by Jenkins configured (like with
Hadoop and HBase).

How do I proceed in getting your feedback on these patches and getting them
reviewed and if possible comitted?


Niels Basjes

On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 6:05 PM, Niels Basjes <ni...@basjes.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> I realized over the weekend that the Builder instances do support an
> 'incomplete' schema and this is validated at the time the build() is called.
> Based upon that I redid the patch today so that in a Builder in addition
> to the actual value of a field there is now also a "Builder" field for that
> field possible.
> If that is used then you can have the incomplete form of the sub-schema in
> a Builder.
> So for any Builder instance there is a getFooBuilder() that either returns
> the existing or creates a new Builder instance for the Foo field if such a
> builder is supported.
> As a consequence:
> - schema validation is postponed until the actual build() is called.
> - for the fields where this Builder is used the actual build() call
> becomes recursive.
> So in my testing code I can now do this:
> *    Measurement.Builder measurementBuilder = Measurement.newBuilder();*
> *    measurementBuilder*
> *            .getTransportBuilder()*
> *              .getConnectionBuilder()*
> *                .getNetworkConnectionBuilder()*
> *                  .setNetworkAddress("")*
> *                  .setNetworkType(NetworkType.IPv4);*
> *    Measurement measurement = measurementBuilder.build();*
> Open question: I have not seen unit tests that validate the generated Java
> code yet. How to approach this?
> Niels Basjes
> On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Niels Basjes <ni...@basjes.nl> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> To see how it would work I simply wrote the patch and played in my
>> environment with the effects on the generated Java code.
>> [ I created a Jira issue and attached this draft patch to it:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AVRO-1614 ]
>> The idea works but I also found that for my usecase it is not very
>> pleasant to work with.
>> Assume this example again:
>> public void setSomething(String value) {
>>     myStruct
>>             .getAlwaysFoo()
>>             .getAlwaysBar()
>>             .getAlwaysOne()
>>             .getAlwaysOther()
>>             .setSomething(value);
>> }
>> The main problem is that in order to do .getAlwaysOne() I MUST define
>> ALL fields of that type with a default value.
>> What I don;t like about that is that I want the schema definition to
>> enforce the fact that some fields are mandatory.
>> By adding a default value to 'everything' I lose that capability of AVRO
>> ... which I don't want.
>> At this point in time the only workaround this (for me major) issue is by
>> introducing something where I can do something like having a 'tree of
>> incomplete Builders' and when I say 'build()' to the top one it will build
>> the entire tree.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Do you guy think there is a need/usecase for this idea (so I leave the
>> issue open) or shall I simply close AVRO-1614 with a 'Won't fix'?
>> Niels Basjes
>> On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:37 AM, Doug Cutting <cutt...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 2:33 PM, svante karlsson <s...@csi.se> wrote:
>>> > I'm not sure that works for avro where null is used for an optional
>>> field.
>>> It should work.  If it doesn't, it's a bug.  For example:
>>> record Foo {
>>>   union {string, null} name = "default";
>>> }
>>> record Bar {
>>>   union {Foo, null} foo = {"name" = "non-default"};
>>> }
>>> Default values in IDL are JSON format.
>>> Doug
>> --
>> Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,
>> Niels Basjes
> --
> Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Niels Basjes

Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,

Niels Basjes

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