Hi everyone,

We tried to release Avro 1.8.2 this week, but the release vote failed
because only two PMC members voted on the candidate and we didn't have
enough binding votes to pass. There was a minor problem (in my opinion)
with the candidate that could have been the reason why there weren't more
votes. If there's anyone out there that didn't vote because of this, please
say so. Otherwise, this appears to be related to declining engagement in
the community and that's a major problem I want to discuss.

Right now, we aren't getting contributions reviewed, committed, and
released in time for new contributors to become part of the community and
refresh the set of active committers and PMC members. If that continues,
this community is heading for the Attic. I think we can build back an
active committer base and I'd love to discuss how to do that on this thread.

To get us started, I have a couple of ideas.

I think we need to make it easier to participate. I've brought up these
ideas before when we moved to git: I think we need to separate the
implementations into their own repositories and set up CI tests for each

Right now, a contributor has to wait for a review to get feedback and a
committer has to build a contribution and run tests. If we set up CI, then
the contributor gets automated feedback and committers can spend their time
on substantive review, rather than making sure the patch builds and tests
pass. Making it easier for contributors and committers will help increase

Similarly, the build and release process is too difficult. It took me hours
to get the docker image built so I could make a release candidate, because
of a failure rate of about 1/500 downloading and installing packages. I had
to try ~20 times before one happily completed. While the docker image helps
a lot, the real problem we need to solve is how difficult it is to build
all of Avro. The docker image helps, but no one really uses it until it's
time to check a release. Instead, we all build and test how we are used to
for a particular language implementation: maven for Java, Rake for ruby,
etc. That's why the build.sh scripts get broken and we don't notice, and
why the only problem with the latest RC was that it didn't pass C# tests
outside of docker.

The current build also makes implementation releases dependent on one
another. Last release, C and ruby problems caused a multi-week delay, and
this release we want to get the C# test environment fixed before the next
candidate. All of this makes it take longer for contributions to make it
out, which undermines the motivation for people to contribute.

Separating the implementations will allow us to structure each repository
how the contributors and committers for that language expect it to be. We
can also set up per-implementation CI easily through Travis CI. And the
biggest benefit is separating the releases, so that Python, for example,
can release a bug fix without waiting months for unrelated changes in Java.

>From my perspective, these two things are a good place to start. To
everyone still reading, what do you think?


Ryan Blue

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