Hi Neal!

That looks great. I'd say the big steps will be:

1) start a thread with a merge discussion. the subject line should look
something like "[DISCUSS] code donation for php library"

you should make clear in that thread if you think we ought to merge in your
changes with the existing library, maintain two, or replace the existing
library. (Personally, I like options that don't increase our number of
implementations per language if we can avoid it.) It would be best if you
can summarize any differences in functionality and compatibility concerns
for users of the current library, to ease the level of investigation folks
will have ot make.

2) Presuming it looks like we have consensus around adopting your code,
you'll need to file a JIRA tracking our intention to adopt it

3) We as a community (preferably someone on the PMC) will need to go
through the ASF's IP donation process to accept the code base. Maybe in
this step you'll need to assert that you wrote the code and are donating
it. (but I haven't looked at the process in a long time, so we'll see when
we get there.)

4) We'll put the code in some branch(es) depending on what release(s) we
can compatibly put it in

5) new release!

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 6:46 AM, Neal Brooks <neali...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Some time ago I re-worked the Avro PHP lib to bring in strict typing,
> autoloading support, and namespaces. I think a few people are finding
> it useful now, and I've had at least one feature request.
> How do I go about contributing this back to the official Avro project?
> My project is here: https://github.com/nealio82/avro-php (currently
> based upon Avro 1.8.1)


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