+1 for static analysis. 

here is what codacy looks like on the avro fork I use: 


> On Nov 7, 2018, at 10:01 AM, Michael A. Smith <mich...@smith-li.com> wrote:
> Now that the Yetus/Travis integration is running (yay), I hope it's not
> premature to talk about static analysis tools, or as they're sometimes
> called "automated code review".
> Correct me if I have it wrong, but I believe our Yetus/Travis integration
> is focused on running the handwritten test cases in each lang. Even if we
> turn on a static analyzer, we'd have to pick through its output in Travis'
> console. "Automated Code Review" tools provide line-based feedback in your
> PR, and they return results much faster than unit tests. Many of the
> companies that run these automated code review tools are free for open
> source projects. Here are a few that I've worked with before, for
> consideration:
>   - https://codeclimate.com/oss/
>   - https://codebeat.co/open-source/
>   - http://opensource.codacy.com/
>   - https://scrutinizer-ci.com/
> They are all great, and I don't strongly care which one we use, but I think
> isolating the static analysis from the unit test runner is worth doing so
> we get feedback faster on little easy-to-fix things.
> What do you think?

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