today I tried to move a java project from 1.7.7 to 1.9.0 and the first
issue I hit was an unexpected NPE when using CodecFactory.

Specifically I was trying to get the string name of the SnappyCodec as
a default cli option. This was fine on 1.7 and 1.8 and in 1.9 fails.
This was surprising because I didn't recall anything about snappy
changes that would make me expect to do work on this part of things.

I have chased it down to this commit:

Unfortunately the commit does not have a JIRA key, and I haven't been
able to reverse engineer where it came in. I'd like to work it out so
I can add a release note recommending how to work around the issue.

This also led me to a related problem: looking at release notes so I
can figure out what to expect when upgrading. Where should I be

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 10:51 AM Sean Busbey <> wrote:
> What difficulties are folks running into when trying to move to 1.9.0 so far?
> --
> busbey


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