Hello!  Hmmm... reading through the spec (again), there is a small
ambiguous point!  Good catch!

Specifically, it specifically says that ".a" is not a valid namespace attribute:

"A namespace is a dot-separated sequence of such [non-empty] names.
The empty string may also be used as a namespace ..."

But it could be a valid full name: made from a valid namespace (the
empty string) and a valid name.

I suspect that the original intention was that it should not be a
valid fullname, with the consequence that all valid fullnames are
valid Java class names.

If it *were* a valid fullname, however, it would be useful to
distinguish between specifying the default namespace versus inheriting
a namespace from a parent record!  As far as I can tell, this
behaviour isn't implemented anywhere or specified in the spec either.

What do you think?  The spec could be clarified either way.


On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 7:20 PM Micah Kornfield <emkornfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Avro Dev,
> I think there is a little bit of ambiguity in the requirements for the
> namespace component of a full name in the specification [1].  In particular
> it isn't clear whether namespaces like:
> ".namespace" should be considered valid (i.e. a "null" namespace followed a
> valid name).
> It appears the the C++ implementation does not think this is valid [2] but
> I couldn't find a corresponding check in the Java code base (I'm still
> familiarizing myself with both).
> Should ".namespace" be considered valid?
> Thanks,
> Micah
> [1] https://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html
> [2] https://github.com/apache/avro/blob/master/lang/c%2B%2B/impl/Node.cc#L72

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