Hi folks!

Here's the report for the quarter I submitted. Let me know if there are any
last minute changes y'all would like to see.


## Description:
Apache Avro is a data serialization system with a compact binary format. It is
used for storing and transporting schema driven serialized data. The unique
features of Avro include automatic schema resolution - when the reader's
expected schema is different from the actual schema with which the data was
serialized the data is automatically adapted to meet reader's requirements.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

Our prior report received a question about the compliance of our CPAN
artifacts with foundation Release Policy. As far as the community is aware the
convenience artifacts are properly following policy. See discussion from the
dev@avro list subject line "ASF policy check on CPAN published artifacts"
(https://s.apache.org/g3erx). Specific concerns are welcome on the dev list.

## Membership Data:
Apache Avro was founded 2010-04-20 (10 years ago)
There are currently 34 committers and 24 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Ryan Skraba was added to the PMC on 2020-09-14
- No new committers. Last addition was Kengo Seki on 2020-07-08.

## Project Activity:
Our last release was Apache Avro 1.10.0 on 2020-06-29.

Since the last report the community has reached a consensus position to drop
Python 2 support in an upcoming major release. (https://s.apache.org/129n1)

Since the last report the community has accomplished a number of build updates
as well as fixes and improvements across several language libraries (Java,
python, php, ruby, c++). We are due for some additional releases.

## Numbers
For those who prefer metrics:

Mailing Lists:
 - dev@avro.apache.org had 454 emails (66% decrease)
 - u...@avro.apache.org had 61 emails (49% increase)
 - iss...@avro.apache.org had 121 emails (61% increase)

 - 39 issues opened (55% decrease)
 - 25 issues closed (78% decrease)

 - 32 PRs open (56% decrease)
 - 25 PRs closed (77% decrease)

Code Repository:
 - 32 commits in the past quarter (80% decrease)
 - 16 code contributors in the past quarter (64% decrease)

## Community Health:
Avro's community is doing well at slowly stabilizing and getting modest gains
in participation. This quarter's large activity drops compared to the prior
report I think are largely due to the unusually higher activity levels that
come from getting out a major release during the prior reporting period.

The PMC still has work to do on making sure a regular cadence of releases
happen, but it has managed to add several committers and PMC members over the
last year.

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