Wei Chen created BAHIR-322:

             Summary: Continuous Non-stop Kudu Connector for Flink 
                 Key: BAHIR-322
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BAHIR-322
             Project: Bahir
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Flink Streaming Connectors
            Reporter: Wei Chen

Hi Team,

When I was using Bahir Kudu Connector for Flink to build data pipeline, I found 
it didn't support continuously non-stop reading data in kudu tables. 
Considering Kudu doesn't support CDC, it sounds like fair enough not to have 
this. However, the idea in 
 inspired me to have a continuous, non-stop kudu connector for Flink, so I've 
built one with the same idea in 
[https://github.com/eBay/flink-kudu-streaming-connector] . 

I'd like to see if any chances this feature is able to merged into one part of 
Bahir Kudu Connector.  :)

Let me know if you have any comments or suggestion.


Best Regards

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