In addition of Stephen's e-mail, I would like to add some points for IO contributors about unit tests in addition of integration tests (it's likely indirectly related ;)).

Depending of the backend, it could be difficult to write unit tests using a running service for some IO. For instance, I started the implementation of ReddisIO and RabbitMqIO. It's not really possible to embed Reddis or RabbitMQ in the java unit test as Reddis or RabbitMQ depend to the running system (erlang, ruby, ...). The problem can also happen if the actual service is not easy to bootstrap or return unpredictable results (for instance, I'm working on Facebook and Twitter IO where the tweets returned during a test might change ;)).

In this situation, the unit tests has to be implemented using a "fake" service or mock.

It means that the IO should provide:
- a IOService interface describing the interaction/behavior of the backend
- a Fake/Mock IOService used in the unit tests
- a IOServiceImpl actually using the backend and used both in the IO code and in the integration test code.

Dan implemented this in BigTable IO.

I started to do the same in ReddisIO, RabbitMqIO and others along with integration tests approach proposed by Stephen.

My $0.01 ;)


On 01/17/2017 04:27 PM, Stephen Sisk wrote:
Hi all!

As I've discussed previously on this list[1], ensuring that we have high
quality IO Transforms is important to beam. We want to do this without
adding too much burden on developers wanting to contribute. Below I have a
concrete proposal for what an IO integration test would look like and an
example integration test[4] that meets those requirements.

Proposal: we should require that an IO transform includes a passing
integration test showing the IO can connect to real instance of the data
store. We still want/expect comprehensive unit tests on an IO transform,
but we would allow check ins with just some unit tests in the presence of
an IT.

To support that, we'll require the following pieces associated with an IT:

1. Dockerfile that can be used to create a running instance of the data
store. We've previously discussed on this list that we would use docker
images running inside kubernetes or mesos[2], and I'd prefer having a
kubernetes/mesos script to start a given data store, but for a single
instance data store, we can take a dockerfile and use it to create a simple
kubernetes/mesos app. If you have questions about how maintaining the
containers long term would work, check [2] as I discussed a detailed plan

2. Code to load test data on the data store created by #1. Needs to be self
contained. For now, the easiest way to do this would be to have code inside
of the IT.

3. The IT. I propose keeping this inside of the same module as the IO
transform itself since having all the IO transform ITs in one module would
mean there may be conflicts between different data store's dependencies.
Integration tests will need connection information pointing to the data
store it is testing. As discussed previously on this list[3], it should
receive that connection information via TestPipelineOptions.

I'd like to get something up and running soon so people checking in new IO
transforms can start taking advantage of an IT framework. Thus, there are a
couple simplifying assumptions in this plan. Pieces of the plan that I
anticipate will evolve:

1. The test data load script - we would like to write these in a uniform
way and especially ensure that the test data is cleaned up after the tests

2. Spinning up/down instances - for now, we'd likely need to do this
manually. It'd be good to get an automated process for this. That's
especially critical for performance tests with multiple nodes - there's no
need to keep instances running for that.

Integrating closer with PKB would be a good way to do both of these things,
but first let's focus on getting some basic ITs running.

As a concrete example of this proposal, I've written JDBC IO IT [4].
JdbcIOTest already did a lot of test setup, so I heavily re-used it. The
key pieces:

* The integration test is in JdbcIOIT.

* JdbcIOIT reads the TestPipelineOptions defined in PostgresTestOptions. We
may move the TestOptions files into a common place so they can be shared
between tests.

* Test data is created/cleaned up inside of the IT.

* kubernetes/mesos scripts - I have provided examples of both under the
"jdbc/src/test/resources" directory, but I'd like us to decide as a project
which container orchestration service we want to use - I'll send mail about
that shortly.


[1] Integration Testing Sources

[2] Container Orchestration software for hosting data stores

[3] Some Thoughts on IO Integration Tests

[4] JDBC IO IT using postgres - have not
been reviewed yet, so may contain code errors, but it does run & pass :)

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend -

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