Hi Kenn,

I have started using state and timer APIs, they seem awesome!

Please take a look at https://github.com/echauchot/beam/tree/BEAM-135-BATCHING-PARDO

It contains a PTransform that does the batching trans-bundles and respecting the windows (even if tests are not finished yet, see @Ignore and TODOs)

 I have some questions:

- I use the timer to detect the end of the window like you suggested. But the timer can only be set in @ProcessElement and @Ontimer. Javadoc says that timers are implicitly scoped to a key/window and that a timer can be set only for a single time per scope. I noticed that if I call timer.setForNowPlus in the @ProcessElement method, it seems that the timer is set n times for n elements. So I just created a state with boolean to prevent setting the timer more than once per key/window. => Would it be good maybe to have a end user way of indicating that the timer will be set only once per key/window. Something analogous to @Setup, to avoid the user having to use a state boolean?

- I understand that state and timers need to be per-key, but if the end user does not need a key (lets say he just needs a PCollection<String>). Then, do we tell him to use a PCollection<KV> anyway like I wrote in the javadoc of BatchingParDo?




Le 26/01/2017 à 17:28, Etienne Chauchot a écrit :
Wonderful !

Thanks Kenn !


Le 26/01/2017 à 15:34, Kenneth Knowles a écrit :
Hi Etienne,

I was drafting a proposal about @OnWindowExpiration when this email
arrived. I thought I would try to quickly unblock you by responding with a
TL;DR: you can achieve your goals with state & timers as they currently
exist. You'll set a timer for window.maxTimestamp().plus(allowedLateness)
precisely - when this timer fires, you are guaranteed that the input
watermark has exceeded this point (so all new data is droppable) while the output timestamp is held to this point (so you can safely output into the

@OnWindowExpiration is (1) a convenience to save you from needing a handle
on the allowed lateness (not a problem in your case) and (2) actually
meaningful and potentially less expensive to implement in the absence of
state (this is why it needs a design discussion at all, really).

Caveat: these APIs are new and not supported in every runner and windowing


On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 1:48 AM, Etienne Chauchot <echauc...@gmail.com>


I have started to implement this ticket. For now it is implemented as a
PTransform that simply does ParDo.of(new DoFn) and all the processing
related to batching is done in the DoFn.

I'm starting to deal with windows and bundles (starting to take a look at the State API to process trans-bundles, more questions about this to come).
My comments/questions are inline:

Le 17/01/2017 à 18:41, Ben Chambers a écrit :

We should start by understanding the goals. If elements are in different
windows can they be out in the same batch? If they have different
timestamps what timestamp should the batch have?

Regarding timestamps: currently design is as so: the transform does not
group elements in the PCollection, so the "batch" does not exist as an
element in the PCollection. There is only a user defined function
(perBatchFn) that gets called when batchSize elements have been processed.
This function takes an ArrayList as parameter. So elements keep their
original timestamps

Regarding windowing: I guess that if elements are not in the same window,
they are not expected to be in the same batch.
I'm just starting to work on these subjects, so I might lack a bit of
what I am currently thinking about is that I need a way to know in the
DoFn that the window has expired so that I can call the perBatchFn even if batchSize is not reached. This is the @OnWindowExpiration callback that
Kenneth mentioned in an email about bundles.
Lets imagine that we have a collection of elements artificially
timestamped every 10 seconds (for simplicity of the example) and a fixed windowing of 1 minute. Then each window contains 6 elements. If we were to
buffer the elements by batches of 5 elements, then for each window we
expect to get 2 batches (one of 5 elements, one of 1 element). For that to append, we need a @OnWindowExpiration on the DoFn where we call perBatchFn

As a composite transform this will likely require a group by key which may
affect performance. Maybe within a dofn is better.

Yes, the processing is done with a DoFn indeed.

Then it could be some annotation or API that informs the runner. Should batch sizes be fixed in the annotation (element count or size) or should the user have some method that lets them decide when to process a batch
based on the contents?

For now, the user passes batchSize as an argument to BatchParDo.via() it is a number of elements. But batch based on content might be useful for the user. Give hint to the runner might be more flexible for the runner. Thanks.

Another thing to think about is whether this should be connected to the
ability to run parts of the bundle in parallel.


Maybe each batch is an RPC
and you just want to start an async RPC for each batch. Then in addition
start the final RPC in finishBundle, you also need to wait for all the
to complete.

Actually, currently each batch processing is whatever the user wants
(perBatchFn user defined function). If the user decides to issue an async RPC in that function (call with the arrayList of input elements), IMHO he is responsible for waiting for the response in that method if he needs the response, but he can also do a send and forget, depending on his use case.

Besides, I have also included a perElementFn user function to allow the
user to do some processing on the elements before adding them to the batch (example use case: convert a String to a DTO object to invoke an external


On Tue, Jan 17, 2017, 8:48 AM Etienne Chauchot<echauc...@gmail.com>

Hi JB,

I meant jira vote but discussion on the ML works also :)

As I understand the need (see stackoverflow links in jira ticket) the
aim is to avoid the user having to code the batching logic in his own
DoFn.processElement() and DoFn.finishBundle() regardless of the bundles. For example, possible use case is to batch a call to an external service
(for performance).

I was thinking about providing a PTransform that implements the batching in its own DoFn and that takes user defined functions for customization.


Le 17/01/2017 à 17:30, Jean-Baptiste Onofré a écrit :


I guess you mean discussion on the mailing list about that, right ?

AFAIR the ide⁣​a is to provide a utility class to deal with

pooling/batching. However not sure it's required as with @StartBundle etc
in DoFn and batching depends of the end user "logic".


On Jan 17, 2017, 08:26, at 08:26, Etienne Chauchot<echauc...@gmail.com>


Hi all,
I have started to work on this ticket

As there where no vote since March 18th, is the issue still



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