Hi Taylor,
I am very glad to see the interests in pushing forward Beam Storm runner.

However, I cannot convince myself the benefits of having one runner to
support all.

Beam have three types of users: pipeline writers, library writers, and
runner implementers.

I can see pros vs cons as followings:
1. For pipeline writers and library writers, I don't see any benefits
because they are using Beam API directly.
2. For runner implementers: (I am not that familiar with the current
similarities and differences of Storm and JStorm, maybe you can help me to
fill it in.)

For pipeline writers and library writers:
1. It means delay of the delivery. We already have a working prototype, and
there are lots of JStorm users eagerly want a JStorm API.
2. "One runner to support all" may increase the complexity, and
compromise the quality of the runner.

>From my point of view, cons are clearly over pros unless I am missing

Let's me know what you think.

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 1:47 AM, P. Taylor Goetz <ptgo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Note: cross-posting to dev@beam and dev@storm
> I’ve seen at least two threads on the dev@ list discussing the JStorm
> runner and my hope is we can expand on that discussion and cross-pollinate
> with the Storm/JStorm/Beam communities as well.
> A while back I created a very preliminary proof of concept of getting a
> Storm Beam runner working [1]. That was mainly an exercise for me to
> familiarize myself with the Beam API and discover what it would take to
> develop a Beam runner on top of Storm. That code is way out of date (I was
> targeting Beam’s HEAD before the 0.2.0 release, and a lot of changes have
> since taken place) and didn’t really work as Jian Liu pointed out. It was a
> start, that perhaps could be further built upon, or parts harvested, etc. I
> don’t have any particular attachment to that code and wouldn’t be upset if
> it were completely discarded in favor of a better or more extensible
> implementation.
> What I would like to see, and I think this is a great opportunity to do
> so, is a closer collaboration between the Apache Storm and JStorm
> communities. For those who aren’t familiar with those projects’
> relationship, I’ll start with a little history…
> JStorm began at Alibaba as a fork of Storm (pre-Apache?) with Storm’s
> Clojure code reimplemented in Java. The rationale behind that move was that
> Alibaba had a large number of Java developers but very few who were
> proficient with Clojure. Moving to pure Java made sense as it would expand
> the base of potential contributors.
> In late 2015 Alibaba donated the JStorm codebase to the Apache Storm
> project, and the Apache Storm PMC committed to converting its Clojure code
> to Java in order to incorporate the code donation. At the time there was
> one catch — Apache Storm had implemented comprehensive security features
> such as Kerberos authentication/authorization and multi-tenancy in its
> Clojure code, which greatly complicated the move to Java and incorporation
> of the JStorm code. JStorm did not have the same security features. A
> number of JStorm developers have also become Storm PMC members.
> Fast forward to today. The Storm community has completed the bulk of the
> move to Java and the next major release (presumably 2.0, which is currently
> under discussion) will be largely Java-based. We are now in a much better
> position to begin incorporating JStorm’s features, as well as implementing
> new features necessary to support the Beam API (such as support for bounded
> pipelines, among other features).
> Having separate Apache Storm and JStorm beam runner implementations
> doesn’t feel appropriate in my personal opinion, especially since both
> projects have expressed an ongoing commitment to bringing JStorm’s
> additional features, and just as important, community, to Apache Storm.
> One final note, when the Storm community initially discussed developing a
> Beam runner, the general consensus was do so within the Storm repository.
> My current thinking is that such an effort should take place within the
> Beam community, not only since that is the development pattern followed by
> other runner implementations (Flink, Apex, etc.), but also because it would
> serve to increase collaboration between Apache projects (always a good
> thing!).
> I would love to hear opinions from others in the Storm/JStorm/Beam
> communities.
> -Taylor

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