+1 to this!

I really want to call out the longevity of contribution behind this,
following many changes in both Beam and Gearpump for over a year. Here's
the first commit on the branch:

    commit 9478f4117de3a2d0ea40614ed4cb801918610724 (github/pr/323)
    Author: manuzhang <owenzhang1...@gmail.com>
    Date:   Tue Mar 15 16:15:16 2016 +0800

And here are some numbers, FWIW: 163 non-merge commits, 203 total. So
that's a PR and review every couple of weeks.

The ValidatesRunner capability coverage is very good. The only skipped
tests are state/timers, metrics, and TestStream, which many runners have
partial or no support for.

I'll save practical TODOs like moving ValidatesRunner execution to
postcommit, etc. Pending the results of this discussion, of course.


On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 12:02 AM, Manu Zhang <owenzhang1...@gmail.com>

> Guys,
> On behalf of the gearpump team, I'd like to propose to merge the
> gearpump-runner branch into master, which will give it more visibility to
> other contributors and users. The runner satisfies the following criteria
> outlined in contribution guide [1].
>    1. Have at least 2 contributors interested in maintaining it, and 1
>    committer interested in supporting it: *Both Huafeng and me have been
>    making contributions[2] and we will continue to maintain it. Kenn and JB
>    have been supporting the runner (Thank you, guys!)*
>    2. Provide both end-user and developer-facing documentation*: They are
>    already on the website ([3] and [4]).*
>    3. Have at least a basic level of unit test coverage: *We do.* *[5]*
>    4. Run all existing applicable integration tests with other Beam
>    components and create additional tests as appropriate: *gearpump-runner
>    passes ValidatesRunner tests.*
> Additionally, as a runner,
>    1. Be able to handle a subset of the model that address a significant
>    set of use cases (aka. ‘traditional batch’ or ‘processing time
> streaming’): *gearpump
>    runner is able to handle event time streaming *
>    2. Update the capability matrix with the current status: *[4]*
>    3. Add a webpage under documentation/runners: *[3]*
> The PR for the merge: https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/3611
> Thanks,
> Manu
> [1] http://beam.apache.org/contribute/contribution-guide/#feature-branches
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-79
> [3] https://beam.apache.org/documentation/runners/gearpump/
> [4] https://beam.apache.org/documentation/runners/capability-matrix/
> [5]
> https://github.com/apache/beam/tree/gearpump-runner/
> runners/gearpump/src/test/java/org/apache/beam/runners/gearpump

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