Hey all,

I think this has been discussed before on a JIRA issue but I can't find it,
so raising again on the mailing list.

Various IO (and non-IO) transforms validate their builder parameters using
Preconditions.checkArgument/checkNotNull, and use different styles for
error messages. There are 2 major styles:

1) style such as:
checkNotNull(username, "username"), or checkArgument(username != null,
"username can not be null") or checkArgument(username != null,
"username must be set");
checkArgument(batchSize > 0, "batchSize must be non-negative, but was: %s",

2) style such as:
           username != null,
password) "
               + "called with null username");
password) "
               + "called with empty username");

Style 2 is recommended by the PTransform Style Guide

1) The usage of these two styles is not consistent - both are used in about
the same amounts in Beam IOs.
2) Style 2 seems unnecessarily verbose to me. The exception thrown from a
checkArgument or checkNotNull already includes the method being called into
the stack trace, so I don't think the message needs to include the method.
3) Beam is not the first Java project to have validation of configuration
parameters of something or another, and I don't think I've seen something
as verbose as style 2 used anywhere else in my experience of writing Java.

What do people think about changing the guidance in favor of style 1?

Specifically change the following example:

public Twiddle withMoo(int moo) {
  checkArgument(moo >= 0 && moo < 100,
      "Thumbs.Twiddle.withMoo() called with an invalid moo of %s. "
      + "Valid values are 0 (inclusive) to 100 (exclusive)",
  return toBuilder().setMoo(moo).build();}

into the following:

public Twiddle withMoo(int moo) {
  checkArgument(moo >= 0 && moo < 100,
      "Valid values for moo are 0 (inclusive) to 100 (exclusive), "
      + "but was: %s",
  return toBuilder().setMoo(moo).build();}

And in simpler cases such as non-null checks:
public Twiddle withUsername(String username) {
  checkNotNull(username, "username");
  checkArgument(!username.isEmpty(), "username can not be empty");

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