@Sushil, I have several jobs running on KafkaIO+FlinkRunner, hope my
experience can help you a bit.

For short, `ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG` doesn't meet your requirement, you
need to leverage exactly-once checkpoint/savepoint in Flink. The reason
is,  with `ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG` KafkaIO commits offset after data is
read, and once job is restarted KafkaIO reads from last_committed_offset.

In my jobs, I enable external(external should be optional I think?)
checkpoint on exactly-once mode in Flink cluster. When the job auto-restart
on failures it doesn't lost data. In case of manually redeploy the job, I
use savepoint to cancel and launch the job.


On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 10:34 AM, Raghu Angadi <rang...@google.com> wrote:

> How often does your pipeline checkpoint/snapshot? If the failure happens
> before the first checkpoint, the pipeline could restart without any state,
> in which case KafkaIO would read from latest offset. There is probably some
> way to verify if pipeline is restarting from a checkpoint.
> On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 10:57 PM, Sushil Ks <sushil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> HI Aljoscha,
>>                    The issue is let's say I consumed 100 elements in 5
>> mins Fixed Window with *GroupByKey* and later I applied *ParDO* for all
>> those elements. If there is an issue while processing element 70 in
>> *ParDo *and the pipeline restarts with *UserCodeException *it's skipping
>> the rest 30 elements. Wanted to know if this is expected? In case if you
>> still having doubt let me know will share a code snippet.
>> Regards,
>> Sushil Ks


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