> - Integration tests: AFAIK we only run the ones in examples module and
> only on demand. What about running all the IT (in
> particular IO IT) as a cron job on a daily basis with direct runner?
> Please note that it will require some always up
> backend infrastructure.

Running IOITs on Direct runner is fairly easy now - all the testing
infrastructure is there and the only thing needed is switching the runner
to Direct so this is nice and low effort. +1

@Kenneth: currently we spin up required databases using Kubernetes
(postgres, mongo on it's way on my branch). We also added a hdfs cluster
setup but no Jenkins tests are fired on it on regular basis (yet). We also
had some problems running IOITs on Flink and Spark, see BEAM-3370
and BEAM-3371 so this area may need some more development.

> - Performance tests: what about running Nexmark SMOKE test suite in batch
> and streaming modes with all the runners on a
> daily basis and store the running times in a RRD database (to see
> performance regressions)? Please note that not all the
> queries run in all the runners in all the modes right now. Also, we have
> some streaming pipelines termination issues
> (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-2847)

+1 too. Currently Performance Tests store results in BigQuery. Do you guys
think it's a good idea to store all the tests results (Nexmark and IOIT) in
one database (not separately)? Or maybe think otherwise?

2018-03-10 6:59 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>:

> Good ideas !
> Validates runner tests and Integration tests should be nightly executed.
> For the Performance tests, it's a great idea, but not sure daily basis is
> required. Maybe two times per week ? As these tests could be long, we
> should avoid to block executors that could impact our PR build and master
> build. Maybe we can add Jenkins executors dedicated to PerfTest.
> Regards
> JB
> On 09/03/2018 12:08, Etienne Chauchot wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I was looking at the various jenkins jobs and I wanted to submit a
>> proposition:
>> - Validates runner tests: currently run at PostCommit for all the
>> runners. I think it is the quickest way to see
>> regressions. So keep it that way
>> - Integration tests: AFAIK we only run the ones in examples module and
>> only on demand. What about running all the IT (in
>> particular IO IT) as a cron job on a daily basis with direct runner?
>> Please note that it will require some always up
>> backend infrastructure.
>> - Performance tests: what about running Nexmark SMOKE test suite in batch
>> and streaming modes with all the runners on a
>> daily basis and store the running times in a RRD database (to see
>> performance regressions)? Please note that not all the
>> queries run in all the runners in all the modes right now. Also, we have
>> some streaming pipelines termination issues
>> (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BEAM-2847)
>> I know that Stephen Sisk use to work on these topics. I also talked to
>> guys from Polidea. But As I understood, they
>> launch mainly integration tests on Dataflow runner.
>> WDYT?
>> Etienne

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