I'm trying to debug a jenkins precommit error for PR #4877.
(Side rant: It's taking a long time to run precommits (between 24m and 3h),
and I don't have access to the jenkins VM to debug things locally.)

Partial log:
py27-cython create:
py27-cython installdeps: cython==0.26.1
ERROR: invocation failed (errno 2), args:
'install', 'cython==0.26.1'], cwd:
[a long traceback]
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I can run `mvn install -pl sdks/python -am -amd` on my workstation
and it passes (after manually invoking `python setup.py build`).

The PR in question makes a lot of changes to tox.ini and updates the cython
Any help would be appreciated.

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