Hi Alan,

some feedback inline:

>   * Several steps have high latency; it may take 30min of work before 
> prompting
>     for a password.

Using GPG agent or <gpg.passphrase/> in .m2/settings.xml works fine. It's what
I'm doing in all Apache releases I'm doing.

>   * Problems with both his laptop and desktop; GCS wasn't working well on the
>     laptop preventing running tests. Maven extremely slow on his desktop, but 
> he
>     discovered a workaround in his configuration. Would have been nice to use
>     jenkins for most steps instead of relying on laptop/desktop 
> configurations.

Not sure there, the release has to be done by the release manager IMHO. So,
that's an environment issue, not a release issue.

>   * Many of the steps ran the same tests over and over. Sometimes tests were
>     flaky, so needed to restart a long process due to a test that had passed
>     earlier now flaking.

Good point, definitely improvements on the tests to do (maybe better split
between utests and itests).

>   * Robert was new to Nexus, so setting up permissions and navigating the UI 
> was
>     confusing.

Not a release concern IMHO, Nexus is straight forward for release with staging
repo. I think it's well explained in the release guide.

>   * Needed to rebuild the google cloud dataflow containers to get dataflow
>     working with the RC, and that ended up being a painful process. The github
>     sdk/python/container is part of the portability effort and should help
>     eliminate googlers needing to do steps like this with each release because
>     that container can be built externally.


>   * Automated release notes were not seen as valuable due to limitations in 
> any
>     automated documentation.

I guess you mean Release Notes available on Jira, so I agree, it's already
easily generated.

>   * Missed a step of changing the java/python version numbers but was able to
>     fix that.

Changing version numbers where ? Release plugin (in the prepare goal) already
change the versions in the POMs (like a mvn versions:set). I guess you are
talking about some other files ? Maybe those files could use the project.version
from the pom ?

>   * Some copy/paste errors when creating the voting emails.>   * Many steps 
> are not possible for non-committers.

And it's normal per Apache rule.

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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