It is an interesting question for Beam DDL - since timestamps are
fundamental to Beam's data model, should we have a DDL extension that makes
it very explicit? Seems nice, but perhaps TBLPROPERTIES is a way to stage
the work, getting the functionality in place first and the parsing second.

What would the TIMESTAMP (let's maybe choose a term that isn't already
reserved) metadata thing look like for e.g. KafkaIO, KinesisIO, MqttIO,
AmqpIO, unbounded FileIO? I think a lot of these don't actually have any
configurability so maybe it is moot. Does Calcite already have an opinion
about timestamps on rows?


On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 1:02 PM Andrew Pilloud <> wrote:

> I like to avoid magic too. I might not have been entirely clear in what I
> was asking. Here is an example of what I had in mind, replacing the 
> with a more generic TIMESTAMP option:
> CREATE TABLE  table_name (
>   publishTimestamp TIMESTAMP,
>   attributes MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR),
>   payload ROW (
>                name VARCHAR,
>                age INTEGER,
>                isSWE BOOLEAN,
>                tags ARRAY(VARCHAR)))
> TIMESTAMP attributes["createTime"];
> Andrew
> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 12:47 PM Anton Kedin <> wrote:
>> I think it makes sense for the case when timestamp is provided in the
>> payload (including pubsub message attributes).  We can mark the field as an
>> event timestamp. But if the timestamp is internally defined by the source
>> (pubsub message publish time) and not exposed in the event body, then we
>> need a source-specific mechanism to extract and map the event timestamp to
>> the schema. This is, of course, if we don't automatically add a magic
>> timestamp field which Beam SQL can populate behind the scenes and add to
>> the schema. I want to avoid this magic path for now.
>> On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 11:10 AM Andrew Pilloud <>
>> wrote:
>>> This sounds awesome!
>>> Is event timestamp something that we need to specify for every source?
>>> If so, I would suggest we add this as a first class option on CREATE TABLE
>>> rather then something hidden in TBLPROPERTIES.
>>> Andrew
>>> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 10:30 AM Anton Kedin <> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I am working on adding functionality to support querying Pubsub
>>>> messages directly from Beam SQL.
>>>> *Goal*
>>>>   Provide Beam users a pure  SQL solution to create the pipelines with
>>>> Pubsub as a data source, without the need to set up the pipelines in
>>>> Java before applying the query.
>>>> *High level approach*
>>>>    -
>>>>    - Build on top of PubsubIO;
>>>>    - Pubsub source will be declared using CREATE TABLE DDL statement:
>>>>       - Beam SQL already supports declaring sources like Kafka and
>>>>       Text using CREATE TABLE DDL;
>>>>       - it supports additional configuration using TBLPROPERTIES
>>>>       clause. Currently it takes a text blob, where we can put a JSON
>>>>       configuration;
>>>>       - wrapping PubsubIO into a similar source looks feasible;
>>>>    - The plan is to initially support messages only with JSON payload:
>>>>    -
>>>>       - more payload formats can be added later;
>>>>    - Messages will be fully described in the CREATE TABLE statements:
>>>>       - event timestamps. Source of the timestamp is configurable. It
>>>>       is required by Beam SQL to have an explicit timestamp column for 
>>>> windowing
>>>>       support;
>>>>       - messages attributes map;
>>>>       - JSON payload schema;
>>>>    - Event timestamps will be taken either from publish time or
>>>>    user-specified message attribute (configurable);
>>>> Thoughts, ideas, comments?
>>>> More details are in the doc here:
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Anton

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