Hi everyone!!

I'm working on BEAM-4257 issue and the approach I'm following is to create
a new class 'BigQueryInsertError' that also extends 'GenericJson' and that
contains three keys 'TableRow row',
'TableDataInsertAllResponse.InsertErrors error', and 'TableReference ref'
and use this type as the contained items returned by

I have now to create a Coder for this new type and I'm following the
TableRowJsonCoder way
relying on Jackson's ObjectMapper and StringUtf8Encoder.

The problem is that I always get errors when deserialising as it
deserialises the inner TableRow as a LinkedHashMap and fails when trying to
assign it. Here you can see the full stacktrace:

Testing it a bit further I've spotted other GenericJson subclasses that
cannot be encoded/decoded following that method. For example
TableDataInsertAllResponse.InsertErrors itself. See the example below:

TableDataInsertAllResponse.InsertErrors err = new
ObjectMapper mapper = new

Fails with a similar error, but in this case is because it deserialises the
index into an int: https://pastebin.com/bzXMR3z5

So a couple of questions here:
* Which is the appropriate way of encoding/decoding GenericJson subclasses?
(Maybe this issues can be tackled using Jackson's type annotations, but I'm
quite a newbie on Jackson and I couldn't figure out how)
* This will (hopefully) be my very first contribution to Apache Beam and
I'd like to get some feedback/comments/ideas/... on the issue and the
suggested solution.

Thanks everyone!

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