Dear Beam Devs,

we are using kubernetes to on demand create/tear down resources for
performance testing. It is done automatically by Jenkins jobs using
PerfKit. On 20th of May, there was a blog post about security issues in
kubernetes and we
should upgrade it to the latest version of the main branch. As far as I
know in apache-beam-testing, we are now using kubernetes cluster with
engine version 1.8, can we update it to version 1.9(1.9.7-gke.1)?
We are missing some new cool features introduced in kubernetes 1.9 like
StatefulSets which I would like to use to setup HDFS large cluster for
performance testing, I have already submitted PR for that. My findings are
described in this two JIRA issues:

Who is in charge of Google Cloud Platform (have admin access) and can help
with that?

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