Hi Reuven,

That's a great improvement for user.

I don't see an easy way to have annotation about side input/output.
I think we can also plan some extension annotation about schema. Like
@Element(schema = foo) in addition of the type. Thoughts ?


On 04/06/2018 16:06, Reuven Lax wrote:
> Beam was created with an annotation-based processing API, that allows
> the framework to automatically inject parameters to a DoFn's process
> method (and also allows the user to mark any method as the process
> method using @ProcessElement). However, these annotations were never
> completed. A specific set of parameters could be injected (e.g. the
> window or PipelineOptions), but for anything else you had to access it
> through the ProcessContext. This limited the readability advantage of
> this API.
> A couple of months ago I spent a bit of time extending the set of
> annotations allowed. In particular, the most common uses of
> ProcessContext were accessing the input element and outputting elements,
> and both of those can now be done without ProcessContext. Example usage:
> new DoFn<InputT, OutputT>() {
>   @ProcessElement process(@Element InputT element,
> OutputReceiver<OutputT> out) {
>     out.output(convertInputToOutput(element));
>   }
> }
> No need for ProcessContext anywhere in this DoFn! The Beam framework
> also does type checking - if the @Element type was not InputT, you would
> have seen an error. Multi-output DoFns also work, using a
> MultiOutputReceiver interface.
> I'll update the Beam docs later with this information, but most
> information accessible from ProcessContext, OnTimerContext,
> StartBundleContext, or FinishBundleContext can now be accessed via this
> sort of injection. The main exceptions are side inputs and output from
> finishbundle, both of which still require the context objects; however I
> hope to find time to provide direct access to those as well.
> pr/5331 (in progress) converts most of Beam's built-in transforms to use
> this clearer style.
> Reuven

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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