It is a common mistake for APIs to not include a way to specify which class
loader to use when doing something like deserializing an instance of a
class via the ObjectInputStream. This common issue also affects Apache Beam
(SerializableCoder, PipelineOptionsFactory, ...) and the way that typical
Java APIs have gotten around this is to use to the thread context class
loader (TCCL) as the way to plumb this additional attribute through. So
Apache Beam is meant to in all places honor the TCCL if it has been set as
most Java libraries (not all) do the same hack.

In most environments the TCCL is not set and we are working with a single
class loader. It turns out that in more complicated environments (like when
loading a JDBC driver, or JNDI, or an application server, ...) this usually
doesn't work without each caller knowing what class loading context they
should be in. A common work around for most scenarios is to always set the
TCCL to the current classes class loader like so before invoking any APIs
that do class loading so you don't propagate the TCCL of the caller along
since they may have set it for some other reason:

ClassLoader originalClassLoader =
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();try {
    // call some API that uses reflection without taking ClassLoader
param} finally {

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 1:57 PM Andrew Pilloud <> wrote:

> I'm having class loading issues that go away when I revert the changes in
> our use of Class.forName added in
> The problem I'm having is that the typical JDBC GUI
> (SqlWorkbench/J, SQuirreL SQL) creates an isolated class loader to load our
> library. Things work if we call Class.forName with the default class loader
> [getClass().getClassLoader() or no argument] but not if we use the thread
> context class loader [Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() or
> ReflectHelpers.findClassLoader()]. Why is using the default class loader
> not the right thing to do? How can I fix this problem?
> See this integration test for an example:
> Andrew

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