On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:54 PM Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 2:46 PM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 8:31 PM Lukasz Cwik <lc...@google.com> wrote:
>>> *How does modelling a timer as a PCollection help the Beam model?*
>>> The largest concern was about how to model timers within Apache Beam
>>> that:
>>> 1) removed the need for the watermark hold that is typically accompanied
>>> with state/timer implementations
>>> 2) enabled the ability to set the explicit output time to be independent
>>> of the firing time for all timer specifications [1]
>>> I felt as though treating timers as a self-loop around the ParDo
>>> PTransform allowed us to use the natural definition of output watermark =
>>> min(all input watermarks) as a way to define how timers hold output and
>>> using windowed values that contained timers as a natural way to represent
>>> the output time to be independent of the firing time. The purpose of the
>>> PCollection right now is to store the representation of how timers are
>>> encoded. I suspect that at some point in time we will have different timer
>>> encodings.
>> I agree that being able to separate the hold time from firing time of a
>> timer is important, but in retrospect don't think timers as PCollections is
>> the only (or most natural) way to represent that (in the model or in runner
>> implementations).
> Can you go into more detail as to what your suggesting as the replacement
> and why you believe it fits the model more naturally since "state" doesn't
> have watermarks or produce output but timers can. I'm not disagreeing that
> timers as PCollections may not be a natural fit but I don't see them as
> state as well since "user state" doesn't produce output.

Yeah, timers are their own thing. They come in like data, but are written
out like state.

I guess the high level is that I think the beam graph should represent,
within reason, the user's model of what their pipeline is, and treating
timers as PCollections with this self-loop feels like an implementation
detail, and furthermore an implementation detail that no runner is actually
going to use to implement things. And (again, this is subjective) seems to
complicate both the reasoning about a pipeline and implementing its
execution over viewing the stateful/timely aspects of a DoFn as internal
details to the ParDo operation.

> Having this fit well with how timers are delivered between the SDK and
>>> Runner was an added bonus. Also, a good portion of the code that I needed
>>> to fix up was more related to the assumption that there was ever only a
>>> single input producer to an executable stage and plumbing of timer
>>> specifications through all the runner library support layers.
>>> ----------
>>> *There is no "clear" for timers.*
>>> The current Java API for timers only allows you to set them. Clearing
>>> timers is not exposed to users and is only used by internal implementations
>>> to support runners[2] via TimerInternals. Usage of a timer is like so:
>>>   @TimerId("timer")
>>>   private final TimerSpec timerSpec =
>>> TimerSpecs.timer(TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
>>>   @ProcessElement
>>>   public void process(
>>>       ProcessContext context,
>>>       BoundedWindow window,
>>>       @TimerId("timer") Timer myTimer) {
>>>     myTimer.set(window.maxTimestamp().plus(allowedLateness));
>>>   }
>> We'll probably want clear. But currently there's already exactly one
>> timer per window per key, and setting another one overwrites the previous
>> one, again making it more like state. Maybe, as you said, it could involve
>> retractions (but every output being a retraction seems odd.)
> Once retractions exist, most GBK firings will have a preceding retraction
> so I believe they will be very common.

True, but I don't think we want to insert the GBK + CV in the graph to
represent the consolidation that's going on here.

> * side inputs already require a runner to introspect the ParDo payload to
>>> get the SideInputSpec, requiring it to have knowledge of the TimerSpec is
>>> no different.
>> My point was that once it has knowelge of the TimerSpec, there is no need
>> for (meaning no additional information provided by) the timer PCollection
>> nor its edges.
> The way in which the timer is encoded is missing. This could be explicit
> on the TimerSpec like the other StateSpec definitions though.

Ah, I didn't realize there was a choice in the matter.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 11:57 PM Reuven Lax <re...@google.com> wrote:

>> We'll probably want clear. But currently there's already exactly one
>> timer per window per key, and setting another one overwrites the previous
>> one, again making it more like state. Maybe, as you said, it could involve
>> retractions (but every output being a retraction seems odd.)
> This is not true. We support multiple (tagged) timers per key.

Yeah, I misspoke. I meant every distinct (tagged) timer has one firing
time, rather than getting appended like in a PCollection.

- Robert

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