Thanks Max for sharing.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 7:05 AM Maximilian Michels <> wrote:

> Hi,
> What do you think about collecting some of the feedback from the
> community at Beam Summit last week? Here's what I've come across:
> * The Kubernetes / Docker Story
> Multiple users reported that they would like a Beam-Kubernetes story.
> What is the best way to deploy Beam with Kubernetes? Will there be
> built-in support?
> Especially with regards to the portability, there are some unsolved
> problems, e.g. how to start Beam containerized and bootstrap the SDK
> Harness container from within a container? For local testing with the
> JobServer we support that via mounting the Docker socket, but this will
> be too fragile in production scenarios. Now that we have process-based
> execution, we could just use that inside the main container.
> Deployment is a very important topic for users and we should try to
> reduce complexity as much as possible.
> * External SDKs / Scio
> Users have asked why Scio is not part of the main repository. Generally,
> I don't think that has to be the case, same for the Runners which are
> not part of the main repo. However, it does raise the question, what
> will be the future model for maintaining SDKs/IOs/Runners? How do we
> ensure easy development and a consistent quality of internal/external
> components?
> * Documenting Timers & State
> These two have excellent blog posts but are not part of the official
> documentation. Since they are part of the model, it would be good to
> eventually update the docs.
> * Better Debuggability of pipelines
> Even a simple WordCount in Beam leads to a quite complex Flink execution
> graph (due to the the involved I/O logic). How can we make pipelines
> easier to understand? Will we provide a way to visualize the
> architecture of high-level Beam pipelines? If so, do we provide a way to
> gain insight into how it is mapped to the Runner execution model? Users
> would like to have more insight.
> * Current Roadmap
> This was asked in the context of portability. By the end of the year we
> should have at least the FlinkRunner in a ready state, with the rest
> following up. There are a lot of others threads in Beam. The newsletter
> is a great way to keep up with the project development.
> Looking forward to any other points you might have.
> Best,
> Max

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