This is really cool news. Pretty awesome to move from the "get it to run"
phase to the "get it to run faster" phase of this project.

Streaming testing: In Java there's a synthetic source (GenerateSequence /
CountingSource) for testing. Maybe in this case I'd say porting to py is
worth it?


On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 2:00 PM Lukasz Cwik <> wrote:

> Thanks, this was useful for me since I have been away these past couple of
> weeks.
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 8:45 AM Thomas Weise <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As you may have noticed, some of the contributors are working on enabling
>> the Python support on Flink. The upcoming 2.8 release is going to include
>> much of the functionality and we are now shifting gears to stability and
>> performance.
>> There have been some basic fixes already (logging, memory leak) and at
>> this point we see very low throughput in streaming mode. Improvements are
>> in-flight:
>> There has been discussion and preliminary work to improve support for
>> testing as well (streaming mode). The Python SDK currently doesn't have any
>> (open source) streaming connectors, but we have added a Flink native
>> transform that can be used for testing:
>> I'm starting this thread here so that it is easier for more folks to get
>> involved and stay in sync.
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas

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