Having data ingestion work without needing to worry about how big the blobs
are would be nice if it was automatic for users.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 1:03 AM Wout Scheepers <
wout.scheep...@vente-exclusive.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> The TableRow size limit is 1mb when streaming into bigquery.
> To prevent data loss, I’m going to implement a TableRow size check and add
> a fan out to do a bigquery load job in case the size is above the limit.
> Of course this load job would be windowed.
> I know it doesn’t make sense to stream data bigger than 1mb, but as we’re
> using pub sub and want to make sure no data loss happens whatsoever, I’ll
> need to implement it.
> Is this functionality any of you would like to see in BigqueryIO itself?
> Or do you think my use case is too specific and implementing my solution
> around BigqueryIO will suffice.
> Thanks for your thoughts,
> Wout

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