Hi community,

I'm part of Euphoria DSL team, and on behalf of this team, I'd like to discuss possible development of Java based DSLs currently present in Beam. In my knowledge, there are currently two DSLs based on Java SDK - Euphoria and SQL. These DSLs currently share only the SDK itself, although there might be room to share some more effort. We already know that both Euphoria and SQL have need for retractions, but there are probably many more features that these two could share.

So, I'd like to open a discussion on what it would cost and what it would possibly bring, if instead of the current structure

  Java SDK

    | ---- SQL

    | ---- Euphoria

these DSLs would be structured as

  Java SDK ---> Euphoria ---> SQL

I'm absolutely sure that this would be a great investment and a huge change, but I'd like to gather some opinions and general feelings of the community about this. Some points to start the discussion from my side would be, that structuring DSLs like this has internal logical consistency, because each API layer further narrows completeness, but brings simpler API for simpler tasks, while adding additional high-level view of the data processing pipeline and thus enabling more optimizations. On Euphoria side, these are various implementations joins (most effective implementation depends on data), pipeline sampling and more. Some (or maybe most) of these optimizations would have to be implemented in both DSLs, so implementing them once is beneficial. Another benefit is that this would bring Euphoria "closer" to Beam core development (which would be good, it is part of the project anyway, right? :)) and help better drive features, that although currently needed mostly by SQL, might be needed by other Java users anyway.

Thanks for discussion and looking forward to any opinions.


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