
for the presence of a comment on public method, it's a good idea. Now,
about the number of lines, not sure it's a good idea. I'm thinking about
the getter/setter which are public. Most of the time, the comment is
pretty simple (and useless ;)).


On 07/01/2019 04:35, Ruoyun Huang wrote:
> Hi, everyone,
>     We were wondering whether it is a good idea to make checkstyle
> enforce public method comments. Our current behavior of JavaDoc check is:
>  1.
>     Missing Class javadoc comment is reported as error.
>  2.
>     Method comment missing is explicitly allowed. see [1].  It is not
>     even shown as warning.
>  3.
>     The actual javadoc target gives warning when certain tags are
>     missing in javadoc, but not if the whole comment is missing.
>    How about we enforce method comments for **1) public method and 2)
> method that is longer than N lines**. (N=~30 seems a good number,
> leading to ~50 violations in current repository). I can find out the
> corresponding contributors to fill in the missing comments, before we
> turning the check fully on.
>    One caveat though is that we might want skip this check on test code,
> but I am not sure yet if our current setup can easily handle separated
> rules for main code versus test code.
>     Is this a good idea?  Thoughts and suggestions?  
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/beam/blame/5ceffb246c0c38ad68dd208e951a1f39c90ef85c/sdks/java/build-tools/src/main/resources/beam/checkstyle.xml#L111
> Cheers, 

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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