Hello !

My question is maybe mainly GCP-oriented, so I apologize if it is not fully related to the Beam community.

We have a streaming pipeline running on Dataflow which writes data to a PostgreSQL instance hosted on Cloud SQL. This database is suffering from connection leak spikes on a regular basis:

The connections are kept alive until the pipeline is canceled/drained:

We are writing to the database with:

- individual DoFn where we open/close the connection using the standard JDBC try/catch (SQLException ex)/finally statements;

- a Pipeline.apply(JdbcIO.<SessionData>write()) operations.

I observed that these spikes happens most of the time after I/O errors with the database. Has anyone observed the same situation ?

I have several questions/observations, please correct me if I am wrong (I am not from the java environment, so some can seem pretty trivial) :

- Does the apply method handles SQLException or I/O errors ?

- Would the use of a connection pool prevents such behaviours ? If so, how would one implement it to allow all workers to use it ? Could it be implemented with JDBC Connection pooling ?

I am worrying about the serialization if one would pass a Connection item as an argument of a DoFn.

Thank you in advance for your comments and reactions.

Best regards,


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