Hi Tanay,

As per this commit https://github.com/apache/beam/commit/abc68452cf5e0945674be50131a73698343c2916 the page has been incorporated into the general contribution guide.

Do you want to open a PR to fix the link in the style guide? I think we can replace it with a link to the contribute guide.


On 27.02.19 17:07, Tanay Tummapalli wrote:
Hey Everyone

In the PTransform Style Guide section on the website, the link to Beam Design Principles <https://beam.apache.org/contribute/design-principles/> (https://beam.apache.org/contribute/design-principles/) is broken. It redirects to the contribution guide (https://beam.apache.org/contribute/).

This can be a great resource for new contributors. Can you please point me to the correct URL for this?

Thank You
Tanay Tummalapalli

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