On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 9:29 AM Ahmet Altay <al...@google.com> wrote:

> *From: *Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org>
> *Date: *Wed, May 8, 2019 at 9:24 AM
> *To: *dev
>> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 3:09 AM Ismaël Mejía <ieme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It seems we mostly agree that @Experimental is important, and that API
>>> changes (removals) on experimental features should happen quickly but still
>>> give some time to users so the Experimental purpose is not lost.
>>> Ahmet proposal given our current release calendar is close to 2
>>> releases. Can we settle this on 2 releases as a 'minimum time' before
>>> removal? (This will let maintainers the option to choose to support it more
>>> time if they want as discussed in the related KafkaIO thread but still be
>>> friendly with users).
>>> Do we agree?
>> This sounds pretty good to me.
> Sounds good to me too.
>> How can we manage this? Right now we tie most activities (like
>> re-triaging flakes) to the release process, since it is the only thing that
>> happens regularly for the community. If we don't have some forcing then I
>> expect the whole thing will just be forgotten.
> Can we pre-create a list of future releases in JIRA, and for each
> experimental feature require that a JIRA issue is created for resolving the
> experimental status and tag it with the release that will happen after the
> minimum time period?

Great idea. I just created the 2.15.0 release so it reaches far enough
ahead for right now.


>> Kenn
>>> Note: for the other subjects (e.g. when an Experimental feature should
>>> become not experimental) I think we will hardly find an agreement so I
>>> think this should be treated in a per case basis by the maintainers, but if
>>> you want to follow up on that discussion we can open another thread for
>>> this.
>>> On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 1:04 AM Ahmet Altay <al...@google.com> wrote:
>>>> I agree that Experimental feature is still very useful. I was trying to
>>>> argue that we diluted its value so +1 to reclaim that.
>>>> Back to the original question, in my opinion removing existing
>>>> "experimental and deprecated" features in n=1 release will confuse users.
>>>> This will likely be a surprise to them because we have been maintaining
>>>> this state release after release now. I would propose in the next release
>>>> warning users of such a change happening and give them at least 3 months to
>>>> upgrade to suggested newer paths. In the future we can have a shorter
>>>> timelines assuming that we will set the user expectations right.
>>>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 3:01 PM Ismaël Mejía <ieme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I agree 100% with Kenneth on the multiple advantages that the
>>>>> Experimental feature gave us. I also can count multiple places where this
>>>>> has been essential in other modules than core. I disagree on the fact that
>>>>> the @Experimental annotation has lost sense, it is simply ill defined, and
>>>>> probably it is by design because its advantages come from it.
>>>>> Most of the topics in this thread are a consequence of the this loose
>>>>> definition, e.g. (1) not defining how a feature becomes stable, and (2)
>>>>> what to do when we want to remove an experimental feature, are ideas that
>>>>> we need to decide if we define just continue to handle as we do today.
>>>>> Defining a target for graduating an Experimental feature is a bit too
>>>>> aggressive with not much benefit, in this case we could be losing the
>>>>> advantages of Experimental (save if we could change the proposed version 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the future). This probably makes sense for the removal of features but
>>>>> makes less sense to decide when some feature becomes stable. Of course in
>>>>> the case of the core SDKs packages this is probably more critical but
>>>>> nothing guarantees that things will be ready when we expect too. When will
>>>>> we tag for stability things like SDF or portability APIs?. We cannot
>>>>> predict the future for completion of features.
>>>>> Nobody has mentioned the LTS releases couldn’t be these like the
>>>>> middle points for these decisions? That at least will give LTS some value
>>>>> because so far I still have issues to understand the value of this idea
>>>>> given that we can do a minor release of any pre-released version.
>>>>> This debate is super important and nice to have, but we lost focus on
>>>>> my initial question. I like the proposal to remove a deprecated
>>>>> experimental feature (or part of it) after one release, in particular if
>>>>> the feature has a clear replacement path, however for cases like the
>>>>> removal of previously supported versions of Kafka one release may be too
>>>>> short. Other opinions on this? (or the other topics).
>>>>> On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 10:52 AM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> if it's technically feasible, I am also in favor of requiring
>>>>>> experimental features to be (per-tag, Python should be updated) opt-in
>>>>>> only. We should probably regularly audit the set of experimental features
>>>>>> we ship (I'd say as part of the release, but that process is laborious
>>>>>> enough, perhaps we should do it on a half-release cycle?) I think 
>>>>>> imposing
>>>>>> hard deadlines (chosen when a feature is introduced) is too extreme, but
>>>>>> might be valuable if opt-in plus regular audit is insufficient.
>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 5:28 AM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> This all makes me think that we should rethink how we ship
>>>>>>> experimental features. My experience is also that (1) users don't know 
>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>> something is experimental or don't think hard about it and (2) we don't 
>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>> experimental time period to gather feedback and make changes.
>>>>>>> How can we change both of these? Perhaps we could require
>>>>>>> experimental features to be opt-in. Flags work and also clearly marked
>>>>>>> experimental dependencies that a user has to add. Changing the core is
>>>>>>> sometimes tricky to put behind a flag but rarely impossible. This way a
>>>>>>> contributor is also motivated to gather feedback to mature their 
>>>>>>> feature to
>>>>>>> become default instead of opt-in.
>>>>>>> The need that @Experimental was trying to address is real. We *do*
>>>>>>> need a way to try things and get feedback prior to committing to forever
>>>>>>> support. We have discovered real problems far too late, or not had the 
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> to fix the issue we did find:
>>>>>>>  - many trigger combinators should probably be deleted
>>>>>>>  - many triggers cannot meet a good spec with merging windows
>>>>>>>  - the continuation trigger idea doesn't work well
>>>>>>>  - CombineFn had to have its spec changed in order to be both
>>>>>>> correct and efficient
>>>>>>>  - OutputTimeFn as a UDF is convenient for Java but it turns out an
>>>>>>> enum is better for portability
>>>>>>>  - Coder contexts turned out to be a major usability problem
>>>>>>>  - The built-in data types for schemas are evolving (luckily these
>>>>>>> are really being worked on!)
>>>>>>> That's just what I can think of off the top of my head. I expect the
>>>>>>> examples from IOs are more numerous; in that case it is pretty easy to 
>>>>>>> fork
>>>>>>> and make a new and better IO.
>>>>>>> And as an extreme view, I would prefer if we add a deadline for
>>>>>>> experimental features, then our default action is to remove them, not
>>>>>>> declare them stable. If noone is trying to mature it and get it out of
>>>>>>> opt-in status, then it probably has not matured. And perhaps if noone 
>>>>>>> care
>>>>>>> enough to do that work it also isn't that important.
>>>>>>> Kenn
>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:57 PM Ahmet Altay <al...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I agree with Reuven that our experimental annotation is not useful
>>>>>>>> any more. For example Datastore IO in python sdk is experimental for 2
>>>>>>>> years now. Even though it is marked as experimental an upgrade is 
>>>>>>>> carefully
>>>>>>>> planned [1] as if it is not experimental. Given that I do not think we 
>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>> remove features within a small number of minor releases. (Exception to 
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> would be, if we have a clear knowledge of very low usage of a certain 
>>>>>>>> IO.)
>>>>>>>> I am worried that tagging experimental features with release
>>>>>>>> versions will add toil to the release process as mentioned and will 
>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>> add to the user confusion. What would be the signal to a user if they 
>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>> an experimental feature target release bumped between releases? How 
>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> tagging experimental features with JIRAs (similar to TODOs) with an 
>>>>>>>> action
>>>>>>>> to either promote them as supported features or remove them? These 
>>>>>>>> JIRAs
>>>>>>>> could have fix version targets as any other release blocking JIRAs. It 
>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> also clarify who is responsible for a given experimental feature.
>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/5ec88967aa4a382db07a60e0101c4eb36165909076867155ab3546a6@%3Cdev.beam.apache.org%3E
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 5:24 PM Reuven Lax <re...@google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Experiments are already tagged with a Kind enum
>>>>>>>>> (e.g. @Experimental(Kind.Schemas)).
>>>>>>>> This not the case for python's annotations. It will be a good idea
>>>>>>>> to add there as well.
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 4:56 PM Ankur Goenka <goe...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I think a release version with Experimental flag makes sense.
>>>>>>>>>> In addition, I think many of our user start to rely on
>>>>>>>>>> experimental features because they are not even aware that these 
>>>>>>>>>> features
>>>>>>>>>> are experimental and its really hard to find the experimental 
>>>>>>>>>> features used
>>>>>>>>>> without giving a good look at the Beam code and having some 
>>>>>>>>>> knowledge about
>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>> It will be good it we can have a step at the pipeline submission
>>>>>>>>>> time which can print all the experiments used in verbose mode. This 
>>>>>>>>>> might
>>>>>>>>>> also require to add a meaningful group name for the experiment 
>>>>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>>>>> @Experimental("SDF", 2.15.0)
>>>>>>>>>> This will of-course add additional effort and require additional
>>>>>>>>>> context while tagging experiments.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 4:43 PM Reuven Lax <re...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Our Experimental annotation has become almost useless. Many
>>>>>>>>>>> core, widely-used parts of the API (e.g. triggers) are still all 
>>>>>>>>>>> marked as
>>>>>>>>>>> experimental. So many users use these features that we couldn't 
>>>>>>>>>>> really
>>>>>>>>>>> change them (in a backwards-incompatible) without hurting many 
>>>>>>>>>>> users, so
>>>>>>>>>>> the fact they are marked Experimental has become a fiction.
>>>>>>>>>>> Could we add a deadline to the Experimental tag - a release
>>>>>>>>>>> version when it will be removed? e.g.
>>>>>>>>>>> @Experimental(2.15.0)
>>>>>>>>>>> We can have a test that ensure that the tag is removed at this
>>>>>>>>>>> version. Of course if we're not ready to remove experimental by that
>>>>>>>>>>> version, it's fine - we can always bump the tagged version. However 
>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>> forces us to think about each one.
>>>>>>>>>>> Downside - it might add more toil to the existing release
>>>>>>>>>>> process.
>>>>>>>>>>> Reuven
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 4:00 PM Kyle Weaver <kcwea...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > We might also want to get in the habit of reviewing if
>>>>>>>>>>>> something should no longer be experimental.
>>>>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kyle Weaver |  Software Engineer |  kcwea...@google.com |
>>>>>>>>>>>>  +16502035555
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 3:53 PM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think option 2 with n=1 minor version seems OK. So users get
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the message for one release and it is gone the next. We should 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> make sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the deprecation warning says "this is an experimental feature, so 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be removed after 1 minor version". And we need a process for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing it so it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't sit around. I think we should also leave room for using 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> our own
>>>>>>>>>>>>> judgment about whether the user pain is very little and then it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed to have a deprecation cycle.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We might also want to get in the habit of reviewing if
>>>>>>>>>>>>> something should no longer be experimental.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kenn
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 2:33 PM Ismaël Mejía <ieme...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we did the first stable release of Beam (2.0.0) we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decided to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> annotate most of the Beam IOs as @Experimental because we were
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cautious about not getting the APIs right in the first try.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This was a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really good decision because we could do serious improvements
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refactorings to them in the first releases without the hassle
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keeping backwards compatibility. However after some more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> releases
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users started to rely on features and supported versions, so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we ended
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up in a situation where we could not change them arbitrarily
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consequences to the final users.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So we started to deprecate some features and parts of the API
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> removing them, e.g. the introduction of HadoopFormatIO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deprecated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HadoopInputFormatIO, we deprecated methods of MongoDbIO and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MqttIO to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> improve the APIs (in most cases with valid/improved
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> replacements), and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recently it was discussed to removal of support for older
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KafkaIO.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Keeping deprecated stuff in experimental APIs does not seem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sense, but it is what he have started to do to be ‘user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> friendly’, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is probably a good moment to define, what should be the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clear path
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for removal and breaking changes of experimental features,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> options:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Stay as we were, do not mark things as deprecated and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remove them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at will because this is the contract of @Experimental.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Deprecate stuff and remove it after n versions (where n
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could be 3 releases).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Deprecate stuff and remove it just after a new LTS is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decided to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ensure users who need these features may still have them for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to know your opinions about this, or if you have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ideas. Notice that in discussion I refer only to @Experimental
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> features.

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