> Wow, that is an incredible amount of work!

Some people meditate.  I annotate ;)

I'm definitely of the opinion that there's no viable counterargument to the
> value of types, especially for large or complex codebases.

Agreed.  That's part of why I waited until I got the whole thing passing
before really promoting the review of this PR.

Robert and I have worked out a rough plan for merging:

   - I'll make a new PR with the foundations of the existing PR -- these
   are almost entirely type comments so no appreciable runtime changes --
   along with the mypy lint, which will be part of python precommit but not
   affect its failure status.   We'll get that merged first.
   - From there it should be easy for others to review and merge the
   remaining commits in parallel.
   - Once everything is in, we'll make a final commit to stop ignoring
   failures for the mypy job.

For those concerned about yet another lint (a very reasonable concern!) the
py37-mypy tox job completes in 37s on my macbook pro (excluding virtualenv
setup time).


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