The max timestamp, min timestamp, and end of the global window are all
performance hacks in my view. Timestamps in beam are really a tagged union:

    timestamp ::= min | max | end_of_global | actual_time(... some
quantitative timestamp ...)

with the ordering

    min < actual_time(...) < end_of_global < max

We chose arbitrary numbers so that we could do simple numeric comparisons
and arithmetic.


On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 2:03 PM Luke Cwik <> wrote:

> While crites@ was investigating using protobuf to represent Apache Beam
> timestamps within the TestStreamEvents, he found out that the well known
> type google.protobuf.Timestamp doesn't support certain timestamps we were
> using in our tests (specifically the max timestamp that Apache Beam
> supports).
> This lead me to investigate and the well known type
> google.protobuf.Timestamp supports dates/times from 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z to
> 9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999999Z which is much smaller than the timestamp
> range that Apache Beam currently supports -9223372036854775ms
> to 9223372036854775ms which is about 292277BC to 294247AD (it was difficult
> to find a time range that represented this).
> Similarly the google.protobuf.Duration represents any time range over
> those ~10000 years. Google decided to limit their range to be compatible
> with the RFC 3339[2] standard to which does simplify many things since it
> guarantees that all RFC 3339 time parsing/manipulation libraries are
> supported.
> Should we:
> A) define our own timestamp/duration types to be able to represent the
> full time range that Apache Beam can express?
> B) limit the valid timestamps in Apache Beam to some standard such as RFC
> 3339?
> This discussion is somewhat related to the efforts to support nano
> timestamps[2].
> 1:
> 2:

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