Thank you for writing this summary.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 6:35 PM Reza Rokni <> wrote:

> Hi everyone;
> TL/DR : Discussion on Beam's various Approximate Distinct Count algorithms.
> Today there are several options for Approximate Algorithms in Apache Beam
> 2.16 with HLLCount being the most recently added. Would like to canvas
> opinions here on the possibility of rationalizing these API's by removing
> obsolete / less efficient implementations.
> The current situation:
> There are three options available to users:
> <>,
> <>
> and
> <>.
> A quick summary of these API's as I understand them:
> <>:
> Marked as @Experimental
> PTransforms to compute HyperLogLogPlusPlus (HLL++) sketches on data
> streams based on the ZetaSketch <>
> implementation.Detailed design of this class, see
> <>:
> Not Marked with experimental
> This API does not expose the ability to create sketches so it's not
> suitable for the OLAP use case that HLL++ is geared towards (do
> pre-aggregation into sketches to allow interactive query speeds). It's also
> less precise for the same amount of memory used: the error bounds in the
> doc comments give :
> /* The error is about
> {@code 2 * / sqrt(sampleSize)},) */
> Compared to the default HLLCount sketch size, its error is 10X larger than
> the HLL++ error.

FWIW, There is a python implementation only for this version:

> <>
> Marked with @Experimental
> This is a re-implementation of the HLL++ algorithm, based on the paper
> published in 2013. It is exposing sketches via a HyperLogLogPlusCoder. We
> have not run any benchmarks to compare this implementation compared to the
> HLLCount and we need to be careful to ensure that if we were to change any
> of these API's that the binary format of the sketches should never change,
> there could be users who have stored previous sketches using
> ApproximateDistinct and it will be important to try and ensure they do not
> have a bad experience.
> Proposals:
> There are two classes of users expected for these algorithms:
> 1) Users who simply use the transform to estimate the size of their data
> set in Beam
> 2) Users who want to create sketches and store them, either for
> interoperability with other systems, or as features to be used in further
> data processing.
> For use case 1, it is possible to make use of naming which does not expose
> the implementation, however for use case 2 it is important for the
> implementation to be explicit as sketches produced with one implementation
> will not work with other implementations.
> <>
> :
> This one does not provide sketches and based on the notes above, is not as
> efficient as HLLCount. However it does have a very searchable name and is
> likely to be the one users will gravitate to when searching for Approximate
> unique algorithms but do not need the capabilities of sketches.
> Ideally we should think about switching the implementation of this
> transform to wrap HLLCount. However this could mean changing things in a
> way which is not transparent to the end developer.  Although as a result of
> the change they would get a better implementation for free on an upgrade :-)
> Another option would be to mark this transform as @Deprecated and create a
> new transform ApproximateCountDistinct which would wrap HLLCount. The
> name is also much clearer.

Marking it deprecated instead of changing its implementation will probably
create a less surprising experience for the users.

> <>
> This transform does generate sketches as output and given its marked as
> @Experimental, one option we would have is to create a name which includes
> the algorithm implementation details, for example
> ApproximateCountDistinctClearSpring.

Can we remove this, if it is both experimental and providing the same
utility as HllCount? Is the concern that users might have stored sketches?

> <>
> .
> Again we have a few options here, as the name does not include search
> words like Approximate, we can create a wrapper which has a name similar to
> ApproximateCountDistinctZetaSketch.

> Thoughts?
> Cheers
> Reza
> --
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> The above terms reflect a potential business arrangement, are provided
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