I'm slowly working my way through getting the tests to run and pass.
We have a lot of work to do on the contributing docs to explain how to
setup and run the build. There's clearly a lot of knowledge in
developers' heads and workstations that hasn't yet made it into the

The latest is a problem finding "github.com/linkedin/goavro" when I
run goVet. I'm not a go person. Is this something that requires an
extra install? If so, how is it installed? Or is this some error in
the build.gradles? Or perhaps my go config is borked and gradle is
looking in the wrong directory?

> Task :sdks:go:examples:resolveBuildDependencies
Resolving ./github.com/apache/beam/sdks/go@/home/elharo/beam/sdks/go
cannot find package "github.com/linkedin/goavro" in any of:
(vendor tree)
(from $GOROOT)
(from $GOPATH)

> Task :sdks:go:examples:goVet FAILED

I'm also seeing failures in ClickHouseIOTest:

> Task :sdks:java:io:clickhouse:test

org.apache.beam.sdk.io.clickhouse.ClickHouseIOTest > classMethod FAILED

org.apache.beam.sdk.io.clickhouse.ClickHouseIOTest > classMethod FAILED

org.apache.beam.sdk.io.clickhouse.AtomicInsertTest > classMethod FAILED

org.apache.beam.sdk.io.clickhouse.AtomicInsertTest > classMethod FAILED

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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