> This has a minor downside for the users who are using unreleased
versions. They need to build a local image first before using docker to run.

Isn't that the current behavior?

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 4:48 PM Hannah Jiang <hannahji...@google.com> wrote:

> Hi Community
> Now we are using different default tags for Python(version or version.dev),
> Java(version-SNAPSHOT) and Go(latest). I would like to clean it up and make
> it consistent for all languages and here is my proposal.
> For the released version of SDKs, the default tag will be version number.
> (ex: 2.17.0)
> For the unreleased version of SDKs, the default tag will be version number
> + '.dev'. (ex: 2.18.0.dev)
> The default tag is used 1). when we build docker images without specifying
> a tag. 2) when we run a job with runners running on dockers with default
> docker images.
> Additionally, Beam will always lookup images locally before pulling one
> from remote, so the images built locally will not be overwritten by remote
> ones.
> This has a minor downside for the users who are using unreleased versions.
> They need to build a local image first before using docker to run. I will
> add a clear error message to show the problem and add a link to a
> documentation of how to create images.
> I would like to collect feedback from whoever uses dockers. Does this
> sound good? Is there anything I am missing?
> Thanks,
> Hannah

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