Hi Matthias,
thank you for the detailed feedback on the comms strategy. I can definitely
help with the Youtube channel revamp and social media copy to promote that
content. I will connect off-list with you about this.

All: given that we are moving forward with this strategy, I created a pull
request <https://github.com/apache/beam/pull/10958> to add this work to
Beam's repository. Please let me know if the PR is missing information.



On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 10:51 PM Matthias Baetens <baetensmatth...@gmail.com>

> To make things more concrete, we could start by giving the YouTube channel
> more structure & drafting Tweets to go out on the different channels. Is
> this something you'd be able to help out with?
> Thanks!
> Matthias
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2020 at 10:29, Matthias Baetens <baetensmatth...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey Maria,
>> Great work!! This provides a nice overview of all the channels and how
>> they contribute to the overall project.
>> I will comment on the sections I am most familiar with:
>> - Website / blog: +1 for reducing the number of outlets to 1. The Beam
>> Summit website repository could use a clean-up and this can be part of that
>> effort.
>> - Workshops: Pablo & Austin have done some great work in this space, but
>> even more dedicated time & attention to this would greatly benefit the
>> project - and as Pablo raised this might be separate from project
>> transparency but directly contribute to increased usage.
>> -- For topics/format, it's split up in how to use and how to contribute.
>> How to use I would split up in a beginner training ("set-up and write your
>> first pipeline"), advanced training ("use some of the more exotic Beam
>> features / optimise your pipeline") and office hours (solve specific
>> problems people have which can feedback to the development team as well in
>> terms of missing features or potential improvement of documentation). Imho,
>> classroom style with an intro to Beam and concepts / advanced topics,
>> combined with do-it-yourself where people actually do some coding with
>> something to walk away is good for onboarding. A more fun and game-like
>> set-up can be done for users that already use Beam where we can accommodate
>> discussions or have them solve a specific use-case in groups.
>> - +1 for increased distribution of the talks. We should actively engage
>> the speakers as well to share it on their personal channels, and surface
>> the talks on the website and Twitter handles. Also a curated list as
>> blogpost would be a great addition.
>> I think a more consistent feedback mechanism and maybe idea box at events
>> might also benefit the community.
>> Cheers,
>> Matthias
>> On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 at 22:46, Austin Bennett <whatwouldausti...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Kenn,
>>> We had workshop on this very topic (how to contribute to Beam) at our
>>> Berlin Summit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtPslSdAPcM There's is
>>> certainly room for me (or anyone) to cleanup and formalize that a bit
>>> more.  Though, the views of that are relatively small, which either indeed
>>> points to a lack of appetite and/or that it wasn't well publicized (I
>>> suspect both).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Austin
>>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 6:53 PM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> Wow, this is great work. I looked at the graphical maps when you sent
>>>> them but forgot to reply on thread. They really distill a lot of
>>>> possibilities and help to think about the current state.
>>>> These three action items seem good and doable. Thanks for highlighting
>>>> those. The only one that isn't obvious to me is "workshop on how to
>>>> contribute to Beam". Is there enough appetite / audience to make this a
>>>> workshop? What forms could this take? A live coding demonstration in a
>>>> normal talk slot at an OSS or data conference seems like a possibility.
>>>> Whatever we do, we should record and distribute for sure, because when
>>>> someone wants to contribute, they need to find the resources at that 
>>>> moment.
>>>> Kenn
>>>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 1:01 PM María Cruz <macruz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I'm writing to send an update about the communication strategy for
>>>>> Beam. In a nutshell, I have 3 proposed changes (copied from the md file
>>>>> here:
>>>>> https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Communication-strategy-DRAFT.md
>>>>> ).
>>>>> While all the channels are connected to a specific function in the
>>>>> short, medium, and long term, some areas have redundancies, and some other
>>>>> areas could use more exposure. In order to continue to grow the project,
>>>>> there are 3 proposals we need to focus on (click on the link on each
>>>>> section to read more):
>>>>> 1. Blog post categories, frequency and distribution.
>>>>> <https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Communication-strategy-DRAFT.md#proposal-1-blog-post-categories-frequency-and-distribution>
>>>>>  Reduce
>>>>> to one blogging space (on Beam Website). Incorporate 3 categories to the
>>>>> blog: Apache Beam summit, Apache Beam use cases, and Your journey as a
>>>>> contributor.
>>>>> 2. Develop more in-person and digital workshops.
>>>>> <https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Communication-strategy-DRAFT.md#proposal-2-develop-more-in-person-and-digital-workshops>
>>>>>  Two
>>>>> workshop types: how to use Beam, and how to contribute to Beam.
>>>>> 3. Increase distribution of tech talks.
>>>>> <https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Communication-strategy-DRAFT.md#proposal-3-distribution-of-tech-talks>
>>>>>    - Embed tech talks in the Beam website, and the Beam Summit
>>>>>    website,
>>>>>    - Share talks on @ApacheBeam Twitter handle
>>>>>    - Curate a list of talks by topic, and write blog posts to share
>>>>>    curated talks (1 blog every 3 months),
>>>>>    - Distribute copy via email to users@ and dev@ mailing lists.
>>>>>    - Create playlists on YouTube channel. Create one view for
>>>>>    subscribed users (featuring latest content), and one for non-subscribed
>>>>>    users (featuring most popular content). One playlist per event, plus 1
>>>>>    playlist for use cases.
>>>>> The communications plan also has a section about what to do when there
>>>>> is new content about Apache Beam:
>>>>> Where should I share new content about Apache Beam?
>>>>> Main outreach channels
>>>>> Beam Website
>>>>> Beam website blog
>>>>> Twitter handles (x2)
>>>>> Mailing lists (x2)
>>>>> Blogpost
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> (share first paragraph in the
>>>>> email, and link to blog)
>>>>> Tech talk
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> (special section
>>>>> for tech talks)
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> (curate tech talks
>>>>> quarterly in a blog)
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> (share blogs on a quarterly
>>>>> basis when published)
>>>>> Trainings
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> (under section “Get started”)
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> ✓
>>>>> If you have any questions or comments about this logic model, please
>>>>> add them here <https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/issues/4>.
>>>>> I'm happy to support in some of the proposed changes if there is
>>>>> interest in moving forward with them. If there aren't any further changes
>>>>> requested, I will proceed to add these files through a pull request.
>>>>> Pablo, thank you for the feedback. Some comments in line.
>>>>> On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 4:31 PM Pablo Estrada <pabl...@google.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Maria,
>>>>>> thanks for putting this together. It's large, so a bit hard to follow
>>>>>> - but that's probably just an indication of the complexity of Beam's
>>>>>> communication channels.
>>>>>> FWIW, I found that reading from the top down was useful (or rather,
>>>>>> from the top, backwards from the arrows).
>>>>>> It is an interesting logical map. I am curious to see what we can
>>>>>> derive from it : )
>>>>>> My comments:
>>>>>> - All of the factors that contribute to project transparency, when
>>>>>> put together, add up to increased use of Beam, but I feel like 'increased
>>>>>> knowledge of how to use beam' is the single largest contributor to that. 
>>>>>> Is
>>>>>> 'knowing how to use' completely captured by transparency? (I can try to
>>>>>> rephrase what I mean...)
>>>>> This is true, we could add a direct connector between knowledge on how
>>>>> to use Beam, and use of Beam. At the stage of development that the project
>>>>> is at (growing), I think it is important to understand what is the value
>>>>> added by all the content and events that are created around the project to
>>>>> promote its use. In other words, knowing how to use the project is not the
>>>>> only factor contributing to the growth in its use, because the project is
>>>>> not new. Given that the project is in a growing phase, the community 
>>>>> aspect
>>>>> becomes more and more important, which is why I thought it was important 
>>>>> to
>>>>> highlight the role that transparency has in these dynamics.
>>>>>> - I'm sure you've considered this, as you've received the feedback;
>>>>>> but not all of these channels are 'owned' by Beam. Some of these are
>>>>>> 'independently organized'. It may help to mark them as such.
>>>>> I have considered this, and I created a second version of the comms
>>>>> map here
>>>>> <https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Comms-map-V2.md>. In
>>>>> developing this strategy, it is clear that all the channels (independent 
>>>>> or
>>>>> not) are working towards the same project goals, so I saw no point
>>>>> in  distinguishing one set from the other. Do you think there is any
>>>>> specific use to have this information outlined?
>>>>> - From the Artifacts section, Blog appears twice, while other
>>>>>> artifacts appear only once with multiple arrows pointing at them (e.g. 
>>>>>> tech
>>>>>> talks). Maybe this is on purpose, but just checking.
>>>>> Yes, this is because there are currently 2 live blogs: one on Beam
>>>>> website, and one on Beam Summit website. On the first proposal
>>>>> <https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Communication-strategy-DRAFT.md#proposal-1-blog-post-categories-frequency-and-distribution>,
>>>>> my recommendation is to reduce this to only 1 blog, with different
>>>>> categories. I hope this can be implemented! =) It will work better towards
>>>>> bringing new users to Beam events.
>>>>> Looking forward to your thoughts / comments!
>>>>> María
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> -P.
>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 5:12 PM María Cruz <macruz...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>> sorry for the tardiness in responding to this, and thank you to
>>>>>>> everyone who shared comments.
>>>>>>> I have adjusted the initial graphic, and taken a step further to
>>>>>>> develop the Apache Beam Communications Logic Model. This type of
>>>>>>> visualization is a hypothesized description of the chain of causes and
>>>>>>> effects leading to an outcome of interest [1]. The goal of making this
>>>>>>> graphic is to identify how Apache Beam's channels and content work 
>>>>>>> towards
>>>>>>> project goals.
>>>>>>> The logic model graphic is attached and has also been uploaded [2]
>>>>>>> to the repo I've been working on. I also added it to
>>>>>>> comms-strategy-DRAFT.md [3]. If you have any questions or comments about
>>>>>>> this graphic, please add them here [4].
>>>>>>> Step 3 in this process includes describing areas where we can be
>>>>>>> more strategic about the content we produce for Apache Beam. I would 
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> to deliver this by December 17.
>>>>>>> Looking forward to your comments and feedback!
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> María
>>>>>>> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_model
>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>> https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/comms-logic-model.svg
>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>> https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Communication-strategy-DRAFT.md
>>>>>>> [4] https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/issues/4
>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 7:09 PM Thomas Weise <t...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It probably makes sense to separate official project channels from
>>>>>>>> external ones like Beam Summit and meetups. Beam Summit is about Beam, 
>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>> it is "third party" and not under the project umbrella. Operation of 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> youtube channel might also need clarification.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 4:35 PM Robert Bradshaw <rober...@google.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Probably worth mentioning Slack and StackOverflow as well.
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 3:59 PM María Cruz <macruz...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>>>>>> > sorry for multiple messages. I realized after sending the first
>>>>>>>>> email that a new thread with a different subject was probably more
>>>>>>>>> efficient.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I created a communication strategy draft. To start, I did a map
>>>>>>>>> of Beam channels and content, and I have some questions for you:
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/macruzbar/beam/blob/master/Communication-strategy-DRAFT.md
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > In order to create these files, I forked the repo. Once this
>>>>>>>>> looks good, and if everyone agrees, we can merge the changes to 
>>>>>>>>> apache/beam.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I didn't assign reviewers for this file because I don't know if
>>>>>>>>> there is someone who usually looks at these kinds of documents. So
>>>>>>>>> everyone: please feel free to pitch in! I will give this a week for
>>>>>>>>> comments.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Looking forward to your comments!
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > María

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