If you want to create a custom S3ClientBuilderFactory, you just need to
ensure your class has a zero-args constructor
implements S3ClientBuilderFactory. What was the Jackson error you saw?

If you only care about modifying some of the ClientConfiguration
parameters, you can open a pull request and add all the parameters that you
want in ClientConfiguration[1] to the ClientConfigurationMixin[2]. It looks
like the original authors only added a few.
Do you know of a good way to do this for all client configuration
parameters without needing to use an interface marked with @JsonProperty
for the relevant methods since I didn't see a way to enumerate/set options
without calling all the individual methods on the ClientConfiguration
object. Also, what do you want to do with the parameters which aren't
simple properties but complex types like.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 2:36 PM Akshay Iyangar <aiyan...@godaddy.com> wrote:

> Hi here,
> So I was interested in setting some Aws Client Configuraiton options for
> S3 to tune some of its  client parameters according to my liking.
> I was going through the code and found that there is something called
>  DefaultS3ClientBuilderFactory available and was thinking of using
> something like that by writing my own CustomS3ClientBuilderFactory.
> But I wanted to pass this as a command line pipeline option rather than
> setting it in the code itself ..
> I tried passing it as a command line option and immediately saw it fail
> with a Jackson error.
> Then I saw there are ways to do that and fellow beam committers used auto
> service to register their respective options. For instance if you have a
> look at the AwsModule class you’ll understand what I mean. Then that allows
> them to pass their respective pipeline option from command line . For
> example if you have a look at AwsOptions . getClientConfiguration you’ll
> see how the options are passed.
> So I can do something like this but the only issue with this is I’ll have
> to have a fix contract. I can only pass parameters for which I allow the
> registration to happen.
> I was wondering if there is a better way to do this?
> Something like we pass the ClientConfiguration and during runtime we
> instantiate it and attach it to the respective Aws<SERVICE>Builder where
> service could be (SQS,SNS,Kinesis,S3).
> Let me know what you’ll think and also if there is something like that
> already present and I just missed it
> Thanks
> Akshay  I

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