Hi Amr,

Thank you for the introduction and your interest to work on Apache Beam
documentation with Season of Docs. To participate in the program you need
to follow the guides here [1] [2]. If you are new to the program, we


   Start by studying our proposed project ideas and expected deliverables
   for each of them [3].

   Explore more in depth the existing related Beam documentation for each
   project idea. We provided links to the background material, known issues
   and current documentation for both project ideas [4] [5]. Choose one
   project you like the most.

   Start drafting a proposal with the gaps you have found and ideas for
   improvement, and how you would present the new/updated/full documentation.
   Here are more tips on how to make your proposal stronger [6]. Please,
   follow the guides and make sure you cover all points.

   Submit the project proposal to the Google program administrators during
   the technical writer application phase. It opens on June 9, 2020. If you
   want any  feedback for your initial draft, consider using Google Docs and
   share on dev@beam.apache.org, so the community members can leave their
   comments and suggestions (please check the access to the doc before sending
   to the mailing list).

If you have any ideas that you want to brainstorm about, don’t hesitate to
start a discussion in the community list or reach out on Slack channel to
discuss issues related to GSoD documentation [7]. Once you create an
account join #beam-gsod channel.

Project administrators will assess proposals based on these guidelines [8]

Hope it helps. Let us know if you have more questions.


Beam GSoD team

[1] https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/tech-writer-guide

[2] https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/terms/tech-writer-terms

[3] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/BEAM/Google+Season+of+Docs




[7] https://join.slack.com/share/zt-eaml657m-KMamnNZfRF2BB7eQpmvveg


On Fri, May 15, 2020, 9:31 AM Amr Maghraby <amr.alkel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Apace,
> My name is Amr Maghraby, I am a new graduate from AAST college got the
> first rank on my class with CGPA 3.92 and joined the international
> competition in the US called ROV got the second worldwide and last summer I
> have involved in Google Summer of code 2019 and did good work also, I
> participated in problem-solving competitions ACM ACPC and Hash Code. I was
> asking if I could apply for GSOD?
> Waiting for your reply.
> Thanks,
> Amr Maghraby

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