> We could have one "test the things" Jenkins job if the underlying tool
(Gradle) could resolve what needs to be run.

I think this would be much better. Otherwise it seems our Jenkins
definitions are just duplicating information that's already stored in the
build.gradle files which seems error-prone, especially for tests validating
combinations of artifacts. I did some quick searching and came across [1].
It doesn't look like the project has had a lot of recent activity, but it
claims to do what we need:

> The plugin will generate new tasks on the root project for each task
provided on the configuration with the following pattern
> These generated tasks will run the changedModules task to get the list of
changed modules and for each one will call the given task.

Of course this would only really help us with java tests as gradle doesn't
know much about the structure of dependencies within the python (and go?)


[1] https://github.com/ismaeldivita/change-tracker-plugin

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 3:29 PM Kenneth Knowles <k...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wanted to start a discussion about getting finer grained test execution
> more focused on particular artifacts/modules. In particular, I want to
> gather the downsides and impossibilities. So I will make a proposal that
> people can disagree with easily.
> Context: job_PreCommit_Java is a monolithic job that...
>  - takes 40-50 minutes
>  - runs tests of maybe a bit under 100 modules
>  - executes over 10k tests
>  - runs on any change to model/, sdks/java/, runners/, examples/java/,
> examples/kotlin/, release/ (only exception is SQL)
>  - is pretty flaky (because it conflates so many independent test flakes,
> mostly runners and IOs)
> See a scan at
> https://scans.gradle.com/s/dnuo4o245d2fw/timeline?sort=longest
> Proposal: Eliminate monolithic job and break into finer-grained jobs that
> operate on two principles:
> 1. Test run should be focused on validating one artifact or a specific
> integration of other artifacts.
> 2. Test run should trigger only on things that could affect the validity
> of that artifact.
> For example, a starting point is to separate:
>  - core SDK
>  - runner helper libs
>  - each runner
>  - each extension
>  - each IO
> Benefits:
>  - changing an IO or runner would not trigger the 20 minutes of core SDK
> tests
>  - changing a runner would not trigger the long IO local integration tests
>  - changing the core SDK could potentially not run as many tests in
> presubmit, but maybe it would and they would be separately reported results
> with clear flakiness signal
> There are 72 build.gradle files under sdks/java/ and 30 under runners/.
> They don't all require a separate job. But still there are enough that it
> is worth automation. Does anyone know of what options we might have? It
> does not even have to be in Jenkins. We could have one "test the things"
> Jenkins job if the underlying tool (Gradle) could resolve what needs to be
> run. Caching is not sufficient in my experience.
> (there are other quick fix alternatives to shrinking this time, but I want
> to focus on bigger picture)
> Kenn

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